the greatest sermon ever delivered to mankind, Christ Jesus admonished his hearers with these words: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
the seeming chaos of human conditions and the maze of variant human beliefs, what could be more reassuring to one seeking heavenly guidance than the fact that he has come upon "the line of demarcation"—that which can establish for him the surety of what is real and what unreal?
the seventy disciples whom Jesus sent forth returned to him rejoicing because even the devils were subject to them through his name, he said to them, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven," knowing that as the Science of Christ was demonstrated upon earth, the claim of evil must give up its pretense to power.
mankind so largely concerned in seeking place and opportunity,—a place to work, a place to live, an opportunity to achieve or to advance,—it is helpful to analyze the situation in order to see clearly what it is for which we are seeking place and opportunity.
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
While Christian Scientists were not mentioned by name in your recent report of a sermon on the healing of a leper by the Master, it is evident that it is they who were alluded to.
Alfred Johnson, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
The excerpts from the sermon on the subject of "Health and Religion," contained in your issue of November 1, include a reference to Christian Science which requires correction.
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
Christian Science is not a "delusion" in which men "may shut themselves away from the problems of the world," as a bishop is reported as saying in the issue of your paper of September 5.
midnight skies were wet with many a tear,Your sun, your moon, your very stars were gone;This was the hour most potent, though most drear,For even then the rhythms of the dawnWere pulsing through the dark, until there cameAcross your skies of grief a vibrant flame.
prophesied regarding Christ Jesus that he would come "to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
It is now over sixteen years since my first healing in Christian Science, and I have always been grateful that this demonstration so impressed me as a manifestation of God's presence and power that there has never since been the least desire for any material remedy.
I should like to speak of the blessings which have come to me in Christian Science, but so abundant and manifold have they been that I scarcely know where to begin or what to relate.
in frail words can tell the unmeasured joyWhich comes to him who, having humbly trodThe narrow way that leads to life in God,Freeing the gold from dross and base alloy,Finds some glad day the gift for all who seek—The Father's everlasting arms of loveTenderly guiding, lifting thought above,Healing the proud, encouraging the meek!Such pilgrim, tempted with a sense of fear,Sickness, or sin, or seeing another so,Knowing God's allness, bids the intruder go,Declaring His the only presence here.
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