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Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1929
During the year three hundred and thirteen Christian Science lectures were delivered in the state by members of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. In further distribution of the truth, seventy-three of these lectures were published in full by the press of the state; also two hundred and ninety-three excerpts. Christian Science lectures are being printed again in the New York Sunday Morning Telegraph. Four hundred and twenty-one reprints of religious articles from The Christian Science Monitor, eleven of them in foreign languages, have appeared in the press. Certain Monitor articles have been very popular. One of them was published one hundred times after being sent out in plate form. One religious article from the Sentinel was published. The article entitled "Friendship with Mrs. Eddy Recalled by Senator Moses" has been published seven times in full and twice in part. Editorials from the Red Wing (Minnesota) Daily Republican, and from the Nation Wide Review of Business, replying to attacks on the movement and our Leader, also appeared in other publications.
The attitude of newspaper editors generally toward the Monitor is cordial.
The address on the A B C of Christian Science, radiocast by Judge Clifford P. Smith last October, has appeared in twenty-three newspapers in the state, two of them publishing it twice. The Swedish newspaper Skandia published it in the Swedish language.
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January 11, 1930 issue
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Press on! Press on!
"Ho, every one that thirsteth"
"Thy will"
Overcoming Error
"His duty to God"
In reply to "Antipas," writing in your issue of August 23,...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of the Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
An article by "Bonelli" in a recent issue of your paper so...
Ernest L. Buchanan, Committee on Publication for Manitoba,
A certain doctor has been a bitter antagonist of Mary Baker Eddy...
Frank C. Ayres, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
My attention having just been called to a clergyman's...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1929
with contributions from Plutarch
Our Example
Clifford P. Smith
God's Care for His Children
Duncan Sinclair
Running Our Race
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from William Middleton, Phyllis C. Hancock, John M. Hill
In 1923 I had a stroke of paralysis
Ella Luella Curtis
About five years ago, while in a hospital, I was advised...
George S. Kirk
About four years and a half ago I was taken with inflammation...
Lillie May Kopp
While a member of a so-called orthodox church and living...
Cora McMullan with contributions from Doris Knight
Divine Love led me to Christian Science
Margarete Born
Over thirteen years ago the troublous events of human...
Clifton B. Webb
About twelve years ago my sister, after seeking the help...
Amanda Gensman
Christian Science first claimed my attention about nine...
Eva E. Phillips
On page 266 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Pearl M. Platt
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ramsay MacDonald, Astor