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Overcoming Error
Making use of Christian Science to keep the body well is but a small part of the great task of working out one's salvation; for this effort is but the introductory step toward overcoming the world, the flesh, and all evil. That every error of belief must eventually be destroyed is early seen and acknowledged by the student of Christian Science; but since Truth is comprehended gradually, counterfeiting errors are uncovered and recognized as errors only as spiritual perception increases. The student can hardly realize the scope of the necessary work before him until he is convinced that every error of mortal belief must be overcome.
As one yearns and strives for clearer vision and more understanding of Truth, he must with equal seriousness seek to root out of his thinking the errors that would hinder the demonstration of spiritual power and obscure the vision of perfect being. Students of Christian Science who study diligently and strive earnestly may sometimes ask, Why do I not have more pronounced demonstrations and realize more rapid spiritual growth? Since Science cannot be lacking, the difficulty must be within false mortal sense. Within this false sense are all deceitful and subtle errors, and without honest self-analysis they may continue for a time undetected and therefore undestroyed.
The student may be unaware, for example, that he harbors the much disguised error of sensitiveness until, perhaps, some unusual circumstance exposes it. Thus he may become impatient because of another's faults, resentful when his motives are questioned, nettled when criticized, stubborn when a favorite plan is opposed, irritated when his opinion is set aside by another's opinion, or despondent because of the jostling and elbowing of the world. These are some of the tests which indicate how little removed is one's thinking from the belief of having a mind of one's own apart from God. Jesus said, "I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." The attempt of error to perpetuate the belief in many minds is seemingly as vigorous now as it was in the beginning of mortal history.
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January 11, 1930 issue
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Press on! Press on!
"Ho, every one that thirsteth"
"Thy will"
Overcoming Error
"His duty to God"
In reply to "Antipas," writing in your issue of August 23,...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of the Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
An article by "Bonelli" in a recent issue of your paper so...
Ernest L. Buchanan, Committee on Publication for Manitoba,
A certain doctor has been a bitter antagonist of Mary Baker Eddy...
Frank C. Ayres, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
My attention having just been called to a clergyman's...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1929
with contributions from Plutarch
Our Example
Clifford P. Smith
God's Care for His Children
Duncan Sinclair
Running Our Race
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from William Middleton, Phyllis C. Hancock, John M. Hill
In 1923 I had a stroke of paralysis
Ella Luella Curtis
About five years ago, while in a hospital, I was advised...
George S. Kirk
About four years and a half ago I was taken with inflammation...
Lillie May Kopp
While a member of a so-called orthodox church and living...
Cora McMullan with contributions from Doris Knight
Divine Love led me to Christian Science
Margarete Born
Over thirteen years ago the troublous events of human...
Clifton B. Webb
About twelve years ago my sister, after seeking the help...
Amanda Gensman
Christian Science first claimed my attention about nine...
Eva E. Phillips
On page 266 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Pearl M. Platt
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ramsay MacDonald, Astor