the highway of life sit thousands of thought weary travelers, not taking a single step toward the city of God, the consciousness of man's glorified unity with his creator.
at one time or another has not been confronted with a problem of sickness or sin, or of business cares and worries, to the extent that he has yearned to see clearly the light which would guide him out of the difficulty?
the prayer which we know as the Lord's Prayer, because Christ Jesus gave it to his disciples as an example of what true communion with the Father should embrace, and which, as Mrs.
use of Christian Science to keep the body well is but a small part of the great task of working out one's salvation; for this effort is but the introductory step toward overcoming the world, the flesh, and all evil.
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of the Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In reply to "Antipas," writing in your issue of August 23, there are certain verses in the Bible which imply that God is omnipresent, such as Psalms 139: 7-12 and <a class="tome-reference"
Ernest L. Buchanan, Committee on Publication for Manitoba,
An article by "Bonelli" in a recent issue of your paper so entirely misrepresents Christian Science that in justice to Christian Science, and for the information of your readers, space is respectfully requested to correct a few of the erroneous statements contained therein.
Frank C. Ayres, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
A certain doctor has been a bitter antagonist of Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science for many years, frequently referring to her in his favorite lecture on "Quackery.
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
My attention having just been called to a clergyman's letter in your issue of October 24, which mentions Christian Science in a misleading manner, I request that you kindly publish the following correction.
During the year three hundred and thirteen Christian Science lectures were delivered in the state by members of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church.
Christian religion, including Christian Science, would have more actual and active adherents if it were thought of oftener as a course of life, a way of living.
In view of the inquiries which are being received from branch churches the Publishing Society wishes to announce that the Christian Science Hymnal is in process of revision.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
About five years ago, while in a hospital, I was advised by my physician that it was necessary for me to undergo a serious operation immediately, and that I could not be well until this was done.
Cora McMullan
with contributions from Doris Knight
While a member of a so-called orthodox church and living in accord with its teachings, I was not satisfied, and was continually reaching out for something higher than this religion could give.
Christian Science first claimed my attention about nine years ago, when I witnessed the healing through absent treatment of an acquaintance; but I did not think of applying such a remedy to any ailment of my own until I was compelled to do so.
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