viewed from the standpoint of Christian Science, it is apparent that any attempt to establish peace between the peoples of the earth which does not take into account the suppositional cause of war, must inevitably lead to failure.
Christian scientists
are sometimes erroneously thought to be unsympathetic toward the unhappy experiences of others; yet the teachings of Christian Science as presented by its Discoverer and Founder, Mrs.
Jesus, after hearing of the cruelty done by Herod to John the Baptist, went out into the desert no doubt to commune with God, to realize at-one-ment again with his Father-Mother, Love, we are told that he was followed by a great multitude.
we arrive at a strange place, where the roads are all unfamiliar and we have not established our sense of direction, our first thought may be: Let us find someone who has traveled this way before.
I do know that Thou art All, O God,A sense of calm assurance comes; and thoughMy path be strewn with obstacles, I findIt possible to follow on, my handIn Thine! And as Thou leadest me beyondThe maze where fear or doubt would baffle me,Oh, then I pause in deep humility,My heart to rest within Thy wondrous light,My feet to stand more firmly on the rock,My voice to cry aloud in gratitudeThat Thou art All.
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
I would appreciate space in your columns to correct an erroneous impression conveyed in the remarks of a clergyman before the Long Island Baptist Association.
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In the remarks to the city trustees, when the occupational tax on Christian Science practitioners was under consideration recently, as reported in a recent issue, certain points may not have been discussed satisfactorily; and space is asked to make these points clear.
Arthur E. Blainey, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
In a recent issue, reference was made to a sermon by a clergyman which contained the following: "Jesus would never deny the reality of pain, and would not tell those in our hospitals that their pain was imaginary, and as a matter of mind only, as some do.
Lew C. Church, Committee on Publication for the State of Minnesota,
A writer in your paper recently recommended, for the guidance of the interested inquirer about Christian Science, certain chapters by an author who in my opinion deals with the subject in an unfair manner.
Regular scrutineers have been appointed for the forty newspapers published in Somersetshire, but any Christian Scientist may send to this committee clippings relative to Christian Science and Mrs.
It has come to the attention of the Publishing Society that many Christian Scientists living in Continental Europe do not know that they may order Christian Science literature, whether books or periodicals, through the nearest Reading Room, and thus save themselves delay and the inconvenience of calculating prices in United States money necessary when ordering from Boston.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
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