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As reported in your recent issue, a bishop, in his diocesan...
Daily News
As reported in your recent issue, a bishop, in his diocesan letter on spiritual healing, referred disparagingly to the teachings of Christian Science, which he designated as "false religion." Our beloved Master, Christ Jesus, set the standard for a Christian very simply when he said, "By their fruits ye shall know them;" and Christian Science seeks to be judged by no other method. Even the bishop admits that "it is unquestionable that many have found relief by following its precepts;" and to-day eminent medical men are bearing public testimony to the healing efficacy of Christian Science—a notable recent example of this took place in the House of Commons, when Dr. Shiels, a member of that House, stated that some of the most remarkable cases of healing he knew had been effected by Christian Science. Christian Science healing is accomplished wholly and solely by prayer, the prayer of understanding or knowledge of God and of man's true relation to Him, but not by the prayer of blind belief.
Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and author of its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," writes (p. 1): "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,—a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love;" and she adds, "Prayer, watching, and working, combined with immolation, are God's gracious means for accomplishing whatever has been successfully done for the Christianization and health of mankind."
There is nothing in Christian Science teaching which is not purely Christian and which is not founded on the teaching, life, and works of our Master; and the bishop is right when he says that his church will "fulminate in vain" against Christian Science unless "it has something better because truer." But he and his church are faced with this difficulty, that you cannot get anything truer than Truth; and Christian Science is proving this in daily living, by works or deeds, and not by mere words.
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April 2, 1927 issue
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Steadfast Allegiance
"Earth received the harmony"
"I will receive you"
Our Human Problems and Their Solution
"Love is at the helm of thought"
Gideon the Warrior
The Kingdom of Heaven
Intrinsically, it is strange that a preacher employed to...
Judge Clifford P. Smith,
As reported in your recent issue, a bishop, in his diocesan...
William Sheriff Findley,
A contributor to your columns said in a recent issue of...
J. Latimer Davis,
One of your correspondents makes a disrespectful and...
Dwight K. Chenoweth,
The Sunday Sun reported an address by a clergyman at...
Conrad Bernhard, Jr.,
Turning to God
As Obedient Children
Albert F. Gilmore
Binding up the Broken-hearted
Ella W. Hoag
"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Samuel W. Greene, Minny M. H. Ayers
Surely I would be most ungrateful were I not to express...
Julius A. West
When Christian Science came to me I was in utter despair...
Mary J. Cooper
I should like to tell of an experience I had about two...
Pauline Hoessel
Many are the blessings my little family and I have received...
Nicolaas Oosterloo
I did not come to Christian Science seeking healing...
Aurelia C. Jacobs
In June, 1919, after I had spent thirteen years in semi-invalidism...
Eathel Drake Dugan
Fourteen years ago in the Christian Science Sunday School...
Dorothy M. Gottschall with contributions from Walter L. Gottschall, Henry David Thoreau
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James H. Weager, C. S. Thomson