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Our Daily Prayer
The Psalmist, in exhorting his people to turn to the Lord in their distresses, assures them of God's constant care and power to deliver and of His manifold providence over them in the differing perplexities and troubles of daily experience. Among many other assurances he gives them this: "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." In other Biblical texts we are also told of the saving, healing, and redeeming power of God's Word; so that we come to know that the declaring of the Word is a very significant and a very effective act, as it is thoughtfully, honestly, and prayerfully done by the student of Christian Science. Such a student realizes the mighty power that is being used when the Word of God is applied to meet human needs; and he knows this because of the teaching of the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," written by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who was inspired to interpret the Word, as no other had been inspired since Christ Jesus, our Master.
When Mrs. Eddy counsels us as Christian Scientists (Manual, p. 41) to pray each day: " 'Thy kingdom come;' let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them," we begin to think; and the more we think, the more we are filled with wonder at the mighty power for good that little sentence is establishing in the world. Each member of The Mother Church is enjoined to pray thus each day; and as a rule the members of The Mother Church are obedient to their Leader and the Manual in following its directions for daily work. There are also many other students of our textbook who read the Manual, and who prayerfully ask that mankind may be enriched and governed by God's Word. We realize how warranted Mrs. Eddy was in saying "all mankind," as we remember the wondrous provision she made for the Word to reach the whole world, when she founded the Christian Science movement.
There are few countries to-day where God's Word as taught in Christian Science may not be heard or read. Each time a lecture is given, one of our periodicals read, a Lesson-Sermon studied, a service held, wherever there is a Christian Science Reading Room or a Christian Science Sunday School, whenever a practitioner speaks mentally or audibly to one seeking Love's benediction, or an honest student does correct metaphysical work,—in fact, in all the activities of our Cause,—it is God's Word that is thought, realized, and depended on; and this Word is with power. In Science and Health (p. 6) we read, "God is not separate from the wisdom He bestows." The Word is indeed going into all the world and bringing the truth to men. In all these ways our Leader provided that this "Daily Prayer," sent up by thousands of loving, longing hearts, should be made possible of fulfillment. "May Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them," as petitioned by the members of our great church, is one of the most potent, most loving, missionary prayers on earth; and it is for each one of us to have a part in it. However small may seem to be our participation in the various activities of our Cause, all of us may send up that loving prayer, to enrich and bless all God's children.
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December 3, 1927 issue
View Issue-
Church Work
Avoiding Faultfinding
Spontaneity and Inspiration
True Friendship
Love One Another
Our Daily Prayer
Paul and Silas
A contributor writing for your recent issue, under the...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
The answer in the United Churchman to a letter regarding...
Miss Jean A. Danskin, Committee on Publication for the Province of New Brunswick, Canada,
Your comments in a recent issue of your paper upon an...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
In an article on "Mind Healing" appearing in your paper,...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derbyshire, England,
The Prodigal Son
Spiritual Ascendancy
Albert F. Gilmore
"Followers of God"
Duncan Sinclair
Gentleness and Greatness
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Eleonore Blumhardt, Marian Cass, Wheeler Coy
I should like to say how very grateful I am for Christian Science
Kate A. Milne with contributions from Alexander S. Milne
In the fall of 1921 one of our sons, a lad at school, developed...
Agnes E. Lafferty
My heart is filled with gratitude and love to God for the...
Marie Louise Maxwell
I am grateful for this opportunity to tell of some of the...
Mattie E. Davis
In July, 1915, when Christian Science was brought to my...
C. Edward Leffler
The desire to express my gratitude in every available...
Marietta Heger
Thirty-five years ago I became very ill
Isabella Higgins
When a young child I was healed through Christian Science...
Uytendale Hall Foley
Our Father-Mother
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Charles Alexander Richmond, Coolidge