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One Principle and One Purpose
When God spoke to Isaiah, saying, "I am the Lord, and there is none else," He stated simply and clearly His own wholeness and absolute completeness. At the same time He revealed the nothingness of any claim to an opposite to Himself, either as apart from, outside of, or embraced in His own perfect infinitude. Since the beginning of time, evil—the supposititious reversal of God's allness—has resisted the entirety of Deity. Christian Science exposes this unnatural enmity against God, against infinite good, and shows the way of deliverance from evil's arguments of reality in matter, in sin, disease, and death.
In order that this marvelous redemptive work may be carried to its completion, it is necessary that men should learn to know God as infinite good. They must also learn the facts of man's unity with God and His infinite perfections, that thereby they may recognize the falsity and futility of all that would resist or oppose God's boundless, limitless beneficence; and Christian Science makes this possible.
When God revealed Himself to Mrs. Eddy as infinite divine Principle, Love, He amplified His declaration to Isaiah by revealing Himself as including all law, all power, all origin, all cause, all intelligence. With no law, power, origin, cause, or intelligence apart from God, it must necessarily follow that there can be no perfect purpose other than that which belongs to the supreme and only Principle. God's law for His creation must therefore inevitably include His sublime purpose for all men. This purpose must be as wise and loving, as intelligent and powerful, as infinitely good as God Himself, in whom all true purpose originates and by whom it is maintained and sustained in all its perfect and perpetual activity. True purpose must therefore always partake of the nature of God: it can contain no element unlike God; it can have in it nothing of selfishness, of personal desire or intention, of material tendency or belief. Since it is conceived by divine Principle, it must act according to divine law, and must always redound to God's glory.
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November 13, 1926 issue
View Issue-
"Where art thou?"
Ethics of Church Government
Daily Work
Humility versus Aggression
"Be it song, sermon, or Science"
"Be of good cheer"
"A little child shall lead"
A comparison of the book on Christian Science by Sir William Barrett,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In no way need we doubt your correspondent's earnestness...
Miss Evelyn Webb, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland,
Evidently the writer in a recent issue reffered to Christian Scientists...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
The Albertan recently published a report of the work of...
Peter B. Biggins, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
An evangelist's sermon on woman, as reported in your...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
My Prayer
"Practical repentance"
Albert F. Gilmore
One Principle and One Purpose
Ella W. Hoag
Persistent Endeavor
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Selma Schmidt, Charles R. Vosburg, John C. Smith, Viscountess Astor
Several years ago the testimony of my original healing...
Frances May Harper
Christian Science was first brought into my home when I...
Elizabeth R. I. Kitson
An article I read in a Sentinel awakened me to the fact...
Marion Bromley Newton
It is with profound gratitude I wish to tell of my...
Elli Niedermeyer
Christian Science came into my life after material aid had...
Mary E. Arnold with contributions from Thomas H. Arnold
I wish to give the following testimony concerning the...
Elisa Gyr-Hausler
My daily prayer is to reflect more of the Christ in my...
Ruth K. Parros
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Richard C. Cabot, J. T. Ronald