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[Original testimony in French]
Having had great trouble in our family, I became neurasthenic
Having had great trouble in our family, I became neurasthenic. I tried to the best of my ability to ward off this depressing illness, but in vain; and finally had to remain in bed. A physician was summoned, who made a diagnosis and pronounced my case incurable. He then had two other doctors come from Paris, but they did not give a ray of hope. Then my mother begged the first physician to try everything possible in materia medica to save me. He took a specimen of blood to analyze it, and the result of the analysis showed tuberculosis of the bones. To cap my misfortune, I was taken ill with pulmonary congestion.
My mother and those around me were in despair. One day, which was believed to be my last, a friend who was helping my mother to care for me left for the home of one of her sisters in order not to see me die. The latter, being a Scientist, and knowing me well, did not hesitate to speak to her of Christian Science, telling her that just as serious cases as mine were known to have been healed by Science. She began to work for me, and came to see me the next Sunday, bringing me some pamphlets. Among them was "Prayer and Healing," which I read first. For some time I had not been able to see clearly enough to read because of my great weakness; but with the reading of this little book an extraordinary thing took place: the veil which had been over my eyes suddenly disappeared, and I had a real glimpse of the truth. Then I asked for the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, as well as help from a practitioner, who came to see me and gave me a present treatment, and afterwards some absent ones. After the practitioner had given a present treatment on a Thursday, she told my mother she would not need to come back. I was in bed, and my mother was cast down, believing there was nothing more to do for my cure; but the practitioner understood, for the next day I was able to go down to the garden. On Saturday I took a twenty minutes' walk and went up to the second floor to visit some relatives, who were very much surprised, as they had seen me the preceding week in a very sad condition in bed. A little later I could ride a bicycle, to the great astonishment of our neighbors.
It is a great comfort to my mother and me to be Scientists: we find it a daily help. From the bottom of my heart I express my gratitude to God; to Mrs. Eddy, who has taught us the meaning of Jesus' words; also to the kind practitioner who helped me with so much goodness, and from whom I always receive great comfort. Words fail to thank the Scientists who made known to me this beautiful religion which was founded by Mrs. Eddy, who has so clearly shown us the way of Christ, Truth.—Louis Issaly, Asnieres, Seine, France.
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November 13, 1926 issue
View Issue-
"Where art thou?"
Ethics of Church Government
Daily Work
Humility versus Aggression
"Be it song, sermon, or Science"
"Be of good cheer"
"A little child shall lead"
A comparison of the book on Christian Science by Sir William Barrett,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In no way need we doubt your correspondent's earnestness...
Miss Evelyn Webb, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland,
Evidently the writer in a recent issue reffered to Christian Scientists...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
The Albertan recently published a report of the work of...
Peter B. Biggins, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
An evangelist's sermon on woman, as reported in your...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
My Prayer
"Practical repentance"
Albert F. Gilmore
One Principle and One Purpose
Ella W. Hoag
Persistent Endeavor
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Selma Schmidt, Charles R. Vosburg, John C. Smith, Viscountess Astor
Several years ago the testimony of my original healing...
Frances May Harper
Christian Science was first brought into my home when I...
Elizabeth R. I. Kitson
An article I read in a Sentinel awakened me to the fact...
Marion Bromley Newton
It is with profound gratitude I wish to tell of my...
Elli Niedermeyer
Christian Science came into my life after material aid had...
Mary E. Arnold with contributions from Thomas H. Arnold
I wish to give the following testimony concerning the...
Elisa Gyr-Hausler
My daily prayer is to reflect more of the Christ in my...
Ruth K. Parros
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Richard C. Cabot, J. T. Ronald