the light of Christian Science, the Bible ceases to be a mere record of historical events, a collection of mysterious, perplexing, and contradictory statements, or a succession of wise counsels, good enough maybe but perhaps felt to be limited in scope, and sometimes deemed applicable only to a bygone race in a bygone age.
A young
boy, who had attended a Wednesday evening testimony meeting in a Christian Science church for the first time, commented to a friend, "Wasn't it strange that every one who spoke kept saying, 'I'm so grateful'?
references to the word "yoke" occur in the Old Testament; and in nearly every instance the thought it carries is of something grievous and burdensome.
Louis Potts, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
I shall be obliged if you will allow me, through your columns, to deal with a point raised in an address on the subject of "Spiritual Healing," as reported in your issue of recent date.
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
The tolerance expressed towards Christian Science in an article in your issue of recent date is to be commended and is very much appreciated; but as some of the deductions and references contained therein do not correctly set forth what Christian Science really is, or accomplishes, space for corrective comment is respectfully requested.
Frank A. Updegraff, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
Because Christian Scientists believe in and practice religious tolerance and medical freedom, and effectively oppose the enactment of laws restricting their rights, as many other good citizens do who are not of the same religious faith, their attitude in such matters by no means warrants the implication that they would disobey the laws of the land, or refuse to abide by law, or obstruct its due process in order to maintain what they believe to be their rights, under any circumstances.
read in Genesis that "in the beginning" God's fiat, "Let there be light," went forth with the inevitable result that "there was light"! From then until now this same command of God has been sounding its awakening note, since enlightenment is always needed everywhere.
Churches and societies in the United States proper and in the Dominion of Canada, wishing to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year,—namely, July and August, 1925,—are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship, if possible, before June 1.
The love and gratitude which I feel for Christian Science prompt me to write this testimony, with the hope that it may lead some one else to the truth, and to the freedom and happiness which the knowledge of this beautiful truth has brought me.
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