of us at some dark time in our experience have been told that God permitted sorrow and suffering for some good purpose; and although it seemed impossible to reconcile anything of the kind with a God of love, we were unable to account for the evil.
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Christian Scientists grant to each individual the right to his personal opinion of Christian Science, but they rightfully object to the assertion that "Mrs.
Miss Evelyn L. Webb, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland,
Your anonymous correspondent considers that Christian Science will not bear investigation in the light of the Scriptures; and I am quite willing to admit that it may not agree with the correspondent's interpretation of Scriptural teaching.
incident from which Christians through the centuries have derived both solace and inspiration is found in John's account of the meeting of Jesus with the woman of Samaria at the well of Sychar.
is very evident from a study of the epistles written to the early Christian church by the apostles, that many of the failings apparent among Christians in those early days are still rampant among us.
The attention of clerks and committees of branch churches in the United States and Canada, having in charge arrangements for lectures, is called to the necessity of having the information reach the Editorial Department at least four weeks before the date of the lecture, in order to insure publication in the Sentinel.
Last summer, during a holiday in the south of England, I was staying in the home of relatives who were very skeptical with regard to what they thought Christian Science to be, and I was therefore particularly anxious to avoid anything which might arouse criticism.
My first impressions of Christian Science were gained in the Sunday school; and during the years following, many benefits have been received from its teachings.
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