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[Original testimony in German]
I hereby wish to express my gratitude for all the good...
I hereby wish to express my gratitude for all the good which I have received since I have been in Christian Science. In November, 1917, I quite suddenly had an attack of tonsillitis. I had no fear, but at once refuted the thought of sickness and worked mentally as we are taught to do in Christian Science. By evening the pain was so severe that I was unable to swallow. I also had high fever. I could not resist looking into my throat, which appeared to be in a very bad condition. The right tonsil caused me much pain. However, I did not apply material remedies of any kind, knowing that God could and would help me. The following morning I was still very ill, but clung to the statement, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;" and God gave me strength. I was able to get up and attend to the more necessary work. Then I sat down and read in the Bible and Der Herold der Christian Science. By noon I suddenly noticed that the right tonsil was improving. Still, the pain was very intense, and the head ached so severely that I was unable to think clearly. Then I read an article entitled "Man's Birthright" in the May (1917) Herold. As I read the sentence, "When we realize that health is a spiritual fact and in the keeping of God, we find that health never was lost," I suddenly realized that I as God's image and likeness could not be sick at all, since God is the preserver of my health. All pain disappeared and I was healed. I slept very well that night, and in the morning woke up well.
I was deeply grateful for this great proof of divine Love and its all-power. Formerly I was compelled to have a doctor almost every time I had such an attack. I had had several operations on the throat from which I would suffer a fortnight and longer, whereas this time I was healed in three days. I was also healed of grippe in a short time through the help of a dear Christian Science practitioner. Before knowing of Christian Science I was under medical care for almost eight years and took much medicine without getting better. Since my first attendance at a Wednesday evening testimony meeting I have not taken a drop of medicine, and am healthier and happier than ever before.
I am glad and thankful for having found the way to Christian Science. With my whole heart I am grateful to God and also to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for all the blessings which I have received.
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December 27, 1924 issue
View Issue-
Overcoming Rumination
"Put away the strange gods"
Our Work
Cooperative Ushering
Man, the Reflection of Spirit
The Monitor and Citizenship
In an article in the Tribune recently, the writer shows...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for Auckland, New Zealand,
Christian Scientists do not initiate or invite controversy,...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Christian Scientists agree with our surgeon-critic's statement...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
In reference to the question asked in a recent issue of...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
In your issue of recent date, there is a veiled reference to...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Christian Science is mentioned in the account of a sermon...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1924
George MacDonald
Albert F. Gilmore
God's Balances
Ella W. Hoag
The Comfort that is of God
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Myrtle Cars-well Collins, Alfred Cyril Bingham, Charles W. Shaw, M. Beatrice McLennan, Aleph E. Cartwright, Arthur T. Daily
I shall never cease to be grateful for the first healing...
Agnes McQuattie
When I came to Christian Science several years ago it...
Jennie Patterson
While in the Motor Transport Service in France, in...
William R. Duncan
About twenty years ago the seed of Truth was sown in my...
Charles Arthur Petty with contributions from Lela Love Petty
About five years ago I began to read the works of Mary Baker Eddy...
Wilfred C. Acfield
From early childhood I was considered very nervous;...
Emma S. Scott
The beautiful teachings of Christian Science and its...
Ida S. Lindvall
I was paralyzed on one side, and two doctors said I...
Joseph H. Lewis
The Master
Signs of the Times
with contributions from C. W. Brown, William S. Sadler, J. L. Paton's, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow