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Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1924
For the State of Illinois.
The secular press throughout the state is increasingly friendly. It is gratifying to announce that the comparatively few objectionable articles which appeared in newspapers during the year were, in almost every instance, published ignorantly or through oversight on the part of newspaper officials. The following excerpt from a letter bearing the signature of the managing editor of a large metropolitan daily typifies the courteous attitude of newspaper editors in general toward Christian Science: "Please know that it is not the purpose of this newspaper to attack or hold in ridicule an institution that has contributed so much to the lives of so many estimable people as has your Christian Science church." The editor of another daily paper, who formerly manifested a tendency to ridicule Christian Science in his columns, has now become kindly and courteous because a service has been rendered to him by this office. As the result of our protest, officials in the advertising department of one of our largest daily newspapers, have taken a firm stand against spurious religious advertising matter. The columns of this newspaper are now closed to propaganda issued by false claimants of Christian Science. Sectarian publications, claiming to be undenominational, have occasionally commented ignorantly about Christian Science, and editors of these publications have accepted our replies. The editors of strictly creedal organs, those published for or by religious organizations or cults, rarely mention our religion; but incorrect statements with reference to Christian Science sometimes gain these columns through contributors. Corrections of such items are seldom published; but one such correction was printed during the year in a sectarian publication, and nothing objectionable to Christian Science has since appeared in this particular journal. The medical press is perhaps the most difficult to deal with. Official magazines of medical organizations and journals of clinical societies seem to entertain the belief that Christian Science is but a healing cult; therefore a competitor. Editors of such publications apparently do not care for our protests; but it is only justice to record that one medical journal, the editor of which seemed most unfriendly and who printed a contribution which contained a very hostile attack on Christian Science, replied courteously to a letter of Christianly protest and published our correction. This editor has since excluded all objectionable references to Christian Science from his columns. At the request of this office several book publishers have revised incorrect copy, and one publisher destroyed plates containing disparaging references to Christian Science. An unauthorized work on Christian Science was removed from circulation at the Chicago Public Library, and an obnoxious textbook on hygiene, containing derogatory references to Christian Science, has been withdrawn from use in a university. It is also noteworthy that a plan purporting to accomplish the removal of objectionable books from all public libraries is now receiving the attention of Assistant Committees on Publication.
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December 27, 1924 issue
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Overcoming Rumination
"Put away the strange gods"
Our Work
Cooperative Ushering
Man, the Reflection of Spirit
The Monitor and Citizenship
In an article in the Tribune recently, the writer shows...
Miss Madge Bell, Committee on Publication for Auckland, New Zealand,
Christian Scientists do not initiate or invite controversy,...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Christian Scientists agree with our surgeon-critic's statement...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
In reference to the question asked in a recent issue of...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
In your issue of recent date, there is a veiled reference to...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Christian Science is mentioned in the account of a sermon...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1924
George MacDonald
Albert F. Gilmore
God's Balances
Ella W. Hoag
The Comfort that is of God
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Myrtle Cars-well Collins, Alfred Cyril Bingham, Charles W. Shaw, M. Beatrice McLennan, Aleph E. Cartwright, Arthur T. Daily
I shall never cease to be grateful for the first healing...
Agnes McQuattie
When I came to Christian Science several years ago it...
Jennie Patterson
While in the Motor Transport Service in France, in...
William R. Duncan
About twenty years ago the seed of Truth was sown in my...
Charles Arthur Petty with contributions from Lela Love Petty
About five years ago I began to read the works of Mary Baker Eddy...
Wilfred C. Acfield
From early childhood I was considered very nervous;...
Emma S. Scott
The beautiful teachings of Christian Science and its...
Ida S. Lindvall
I was paralyzed on one side, and two doctors said I...
Joseph H. Lewis
The Master
Signs of the Times
with contributions from C. W. Brown, William S. Sadler, J. L. Paton's, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow