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Rejoice Evermore
STRESS has been laid upon the fact that healing is greatly facilitated through rejoicing and gratitude. Many healings take place during the Wednesday evening testimony meetings in the Christian Science churches. May not a reason for this be the gratitude welling from the hearts and lips of so many of God's children? Some time ago the writer attended a Wednesday evening meeting where a student told of an experience in which there had been a wrestling with a belief in sickness that did not readily yield. The student asked himself the questions, Am I rejoicing enough? Have I been rejoicing enough to-day? The answers being in the negative, he began rejoicing there and then for blessings received, Healing followed.
This seemed well and good; and it set at least one hearer thinking. Can one rejoice merely through a determined effort to thank God? Just why should a thought of thankfulness aid in bringing about a healing? In the Scriptures we are commanded to rejoice evermore. This may be taken to mean that we are to rejoice in time of tribulation as well as in time of victory. One of the Beatitudes commands that we "rejoice, and be exceeding glad" even during persecution. The children of Israel seemed rarely to rejoice. At each new trial with which they were confronted, murmuring and complaints were heard, instead of songs of thanksgiving for deliverance from past difficulties. And as a result, the journey to the land of promise took forty years, whereas with more frequent rejoicing it might have been accomplished in a shorter time. May not the present-day "children of Israel" ask, Is the journey from sense to Soul being delayed because of murmurings and complaints?
There is a hymn in which the words, "Open thou mine eyes," are frequently reiterated, in order that the goodness with which God has surrounded us may be emphasized. The spiritual definition of "eyes" given by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 586) is in part: "EYES. Spiritual discernment,—not material but mental." Thankfulness opens the eyes of "spiritual discernment," and reveals God's goodness to His children. The writer has been especially grateful for a thought which was gleaned from a recent reading of the authorized Christian Science literature, and which she desires to pass on to others. It is that thankfulness is not merely a number of spasmodic verbal expressions of gratitude; is not a single act; thankfulness is a mental attitude which results in right action.
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January 19, 1924 issue
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The First Commandment
The Trees of the Garden
Rejoice Evermore
My attention has been drawn to your editorial headed...
Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church,
To think that the future life is of less concern to those...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Christian Scientists believe in the divinity of Christ, for...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
An article in a recent issue of the Times describing a...
Douglas L. Edmonds, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
An honest reading of the Christian Science textbook,...
Willard Joseph Welch, Committee on Publication for Iowa,
The five physical senses, or the carnal mind, cognize...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
There is nothing in Christian Science teaching and practice...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from M. Fannie Whitney, James W. Lee, Laura A. Griffith
Affirmation versus Denial
Albert F. Gilmore
"All is Mind"
Duncan Sinclair
A Sure Reward
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Michael Oelschlaeger, Mary Elizabeth Carey, Gustav Ihlefeld, Henry Francis Ross Greatwood, S. Britton R. Foster, Arthur Charles Williams, Minnie H. Mundt
In the early part of 1918 I was rejected by the army authorities...
Thomas Lancaster
Early in my experience in Christian Science, while suffering...
Sarah A. Hughes
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science and...
Lucille F. Ensign with contributions from Walter C. Ensign
About two years ago while I was camping, the container...
Anna Swenson with contributions from Carl G. Swenson
My first physical healing in Christian Science was of...
Mary Adah Hyde
Ever since September 1, 1923, when the disaster of earthquake...
Anna A. Mallory
In the six years I have been studying Christian Science...
Madie G. Allmon
I have had many beautiful healings in Christian Science,...
Isabelle M. H. Kieserling
Love's Daily Miracle
Signs of the Times
with contributions from L. E. Tranter, M. A. Matthews, J. A. Stevenson, Frederick Vining Fisher, Royal S. Copeland, E. B. Chappell, L. M. Zimmerman