I am very grateful for Christian Science, and to God for...

I am very grateful for Christian Science, and to God for giving to the world our beloved Leader. We know her teachings are the truth by the blessings they bring to mankind.

Four years ago I was with a relative who was not a Scientist. One day when I started to get up from the lunch table, my foot seemed to be what we call asleep. When I put it down to walk, it seemed to smash. I grasped the back of a chair, else I should have fallen. I rested on my bed, and studied the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly again and again, also read some Christian Science literature. In the morning, although the ankle was swollen and discolored, it did not hurt me to walk. This healing meant much to me.

I had had a bad fall before coming into Christian Science. This fall left me afraid to go out on the wet sidewalk for fear I should slip down. The first healing I had in Christian Science was from this fear, for if I stepped on a little uneven ground or touched my toe against a small stone it was torture. That fear and sensitiveness were overcome in a few treatments. The year 1919 was a bad winter for traveling, as there was much ice and snow. I, however, went daily back and forth walking to business. I had one fall, but was not hurt. Oh, what this meant to me, for I had been in bondage ever since I could remember!

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Watch, Work, Pray
September 15, 1923

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