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Christian Science, the Comforter
In the days when Christ Jesus delivered his message to the multitudes who thronged his steps, numerous were the healings that took place, and great was the consolation he brought to suffering and sorrowful humanity through his understanding of divine law. To reveal that law was the mission of the Master; for it was given to him to know that through the application of it the world would be redeemed. And when Mrs. Eddy wrote in the Preface of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. xii), "In the spirit of Christ's charity,—as one who 'hopeth all things, endureth all things,' and is joyful to bear consolation to the sorrowing and healing to the sick,—she commits these pages to honest seekers for Truth," she was plainly telling mankind of the comforting power of Christian Science, which reveals the law of God and its application to all human need.
To the spiritually unenlightened thought, human existence is an inscrutable mystery, a period of longer or shorter duration during which trials are the lot of men and all have the burdens of sorrow and suffering in some degree to bear. But is human existence an enigma after all? Christian Science declares that it need not be; that it only remains enigmatical so long as divine Truth is unknown. And Christian Science proceeds to teach mankind the truths of being, thereby clearing away its doubts, its misgivings, its fears, thus bringing consolation and comfort ofttimes beyond the fondest hopes.
But, some one may skeptically ask, does Christian Science really produce this greatly to be desired result? Does it heal disease, and so reduce suffering? Can it destroy sinful thoughts and put an end to sinful deeds? Is it able to wipe the tears of grief from the eyes of sorrowing humanity? Through Christian Science God does all these things. "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Christian Science has actually healed humanity of its woes to an extent it would be difficult to estimate; and its beneficent work continues to-day over the wide area of the civilized world. Every case of the healing of sickness, sin, or sorrow testifies to the fact that Christian Science is the Comforter. Mrs. Eddy refers to it in precisely that way. On page 55 of Science and Health she writes, "In the words of St. John: 'He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.' This Comforter I understand to be Divine Science."
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June 2, 1923 issue
View Issue-
The Mother Church
"Ready to distribute"
Love's Universe
Fruitful Gratitude
Demonstration Individual
Meekness and Might
Safety Zones
Physical healing is not the primary object of the Christian Science...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
Christian Science is based entirely on the understanding...
Rowland R. Hughes, Committee on Publication for India,
Evil has from the beginning desired only to be let alone
Douglas L. Edmonds, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Christian Science, when intelligently and understandingly...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
The sincere inquirer will naturally turn to an authentic...
Mrs. Alice T. Caruthers, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
By birth, education, native endowment, and training born...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
Rise and Rejoice
Channels of Good
Albert F. Gilmore
Unity Among Brethren
Ella W. Hoag
Christian Science, the Comforter
Duncan Sinclair
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Francis T. Dodge
I wish to thank God, thank Him with all my heart, for...
Minnie Hahn with contributions from Friedrich Hahn
"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great...
Marga Dahl Belledeu
About two years ago, when coming from school, I felt...
Ruth Diederichsen
With deepest gratitude to God and to Mary Baker Eddy...
Paul J. Walther
I write this testimony with my heart filled with joy for...
Marcus M. Swenson
Twilight Peace