times, when reading the account of Jesus' last night in the garden of Gethsemane, thought has been stirred by the desertion of those to whom he turned for help, and to whom he had given so freely and fully of the "bread of life.
writer has been helped many times by our Leader's beautiful interpretation of the last line of the twenty-third psalm, as given in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures".
adults can look back to the years of our childhood and remember our childish imagery of angels, with their wings and crowns and golden harps, and also how we loved to entertain these pictures.
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
Besides the twelve apostles that Jesus sent forth, he sent other seventy also; and we find in the <a class="tome-reference"
Samuel J. Macdonald, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
The critic, in a recent issue of your paper, is quite correct in stating that Christian Science teaches there is no evil in the real, spiritual universe; but this does not mean that there is no evil in human belief.
Augustus Long, Committee on Publication for the State of Nevada,
Christian Science teaches that all God created is real, substantial, and enduring, while the offspring of the carnal or mortal mind is unreal, deceptive, and delusive in its nature.
Andrew J. Graham
with contributions from Edith L. Fetterman, Harriett J. Emery
"'I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation' is a declaration which every Christian Scientist should be able to make.
many centuries men have looked to the sacred Scriptures for inspiration, for solace in time of distress, for comfort in sorrow, for protection from danger, for healing from the heaviness and world weariness which seem so generally to accompany human experience.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Board of Lectureship regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, five weeks before; in other European countries, six weeks before.
As I have received so many benefits from Christian Science, I feel I should at least write a testimony of thanks to God for the many blessings and healings we have experienced during the past three years.
After years of suffering and sickness, with a religion that did not satisfy, and faced with the futility of materia medica to cure my husband, I felt that there must be a better way; but owing to my opposition and antagonism to Mrs.
I am very glad to tell of the experience which first caused me to become interested in Christian Science, because it has since proved to be such a great help in my life; and what seemed at the time to be a misfortune was really a blessing in disguise.
I should like to express my gratitude, through the Christian Science Sentinel, to God and to Mary Baker Eddy for the healing which has come to me through Christian Science, and for the faithful efforts on my behalf of loving practitioners, who have helped me to learn how to work out my own salvation, as the gospel teaches.
I have great cause to be grateful for the activities of the Christian Science war workers at Ripon, England, because through their loving work I have been led to search for the kingdom of God within man.
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