I should like to express my gratitude for the good I have...

I should like to express my gratitude for the good I have received through Christian Science, but could not take the time or the space to enumerate all the specific blessings that flood my memory when I reflect on the past few years. My first experience brought out the efficacy of Christian Science when applied to physical problems, as well as those of protection and supply. After having heard of this beautiful truth through one whom I considered wonderful in a business way, I took a five-dollar gold piece, which had been given me by the firm I worked for, purchased a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and began to read.

Soon after this I became very sick and asked for help in Christian Science. After two treatments I seemed worse; and the lady where I boarded called a physician, who said I had malarial fever. He also said he thought I was a tubercular victim. Although I dismissed the practitioner, I kept holding to the thoughts I had learned in Christian Science; but I did not seem to receive much benefit, and finally gave up my position and went home. I did not complain; but when I could not stay up any longer, the family called a physician. The first thing the physician did was to urge me not to look back or ahead, insisting that the trouble would last only one minute at a time. He called the condition typhoid fever and nervous exhaustion. Later, he said I had a very bad stomach trouble, and almost ptomaine poisoning. This continued for four weeks. Then one morning I decided that I was not going to take any more medicine; and failing in his efforts to induce me to take it, the physician left. All this time I had been on a liquid diet; and for two days I had not been able to take even a spoonful of water. I again wrote to my Christian Science friend, who was the practitioner I had gone to at first, telling her all I had gone through and asking what to do; for I did not know I could or should ask for treatment, as I was out of work and had no money. She lovingly wrote me that she would be glad to give me treatment, and wait until I was back at work for payment. This was on Thursday. On Sunday I ate anything I wanted; and on Tuesday I ate everything that I had been forbidden to eat during the weeks just past. At this time, members of the family manifested the same symptoms I had been told I had; but through clearing my own thought regarding these, nothing ever developed.

While I was still in a weakened condition physically, a financial obligation was called to my attention several days before it was due; and by steadfast and faithful trust in the truth I had learned, the necessary funds were received in time to meet this obligation. I had asked that my position be given to some one else, as I did not know when I should be able to return, but my employers called and asked me to come back. Therefore, within a short time I was back at work, feeling better and happier than I had ever felt in my life; and those in the office with me commented on my changed disposition as well as physical appearance.

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Testimony of Healing
When Christian Science first came into my life, I had...
February 17, 1923

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