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"Our Eucharist is spiritual communion with the one God;" so writes our beloved Leader on page 35 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." And on page 154 of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," she says: "Communing heart with heart, mind with mind, soul with soul, wherein and whereby we are looking heavenward, is not looking nor gravitating earthward, take it in whatever sense you may. Such communing uplifts man's being; it makes healing the sick and reforming the sinner a mutual aid society, which is effective here and now." Herein we find a twofold aspect of communion which presents marvelous possibilities of good. That one is dependent on the other is a foregone conclusion; for without a communion with God which brings an understanding of the oneness of divine Mind, how could any true unity among men be demonstrated?
In the days of the children of Israel, Moses alone was allowed to go up into the mount to talk with God, the priests and the people being forbidden to approach, lest they should be overwhelmed with His majesty. Later, it was, however, said of them, "They saw God, and did eat and drink." So, even in those olden days, men could gain a vision of Deity, which they could carry with them into the ordinary walks of life. The prophets talked with God. Then our Master, Christ Jesus, came; and he so constantly communed with the Father that he never failed to know exactly what was right to think and say and do under every circumstance. God always guided his every thought and word and deed, so that his entire earthly experience was one continuous victory over the false beliefs which would testify to something other than perfect unity with God, divine Mind.
It is glorious to contemplate the privilege of communion with God. One could not approach even the consideration of such a possibility without deepest reverence. And still, with the example of the Way-shower and the clear illumination of the teachings of Christian Science, mankind to-day is beginning to know that such communion is as natural and right as it is exquisite and holy. One definition of communion is, "The act of sharing." To awaken to the inspiring fact that communion with God is really the sharing with His children of all His perfections,—His wonderful thoughts, which they, in turn, may share with one another,—this is to come nigh to the very gates of heavenly bliss. Communion with God is indeed a gladsome activity, full of all that is lovely and desirable, satisfying every least longing for good; and it must inevitably result in the understanding of divine intelligence and wisdom, purity and goodness, love and loveliness, strength and grandeur. How totally inadequate are mere words to portray what the least glimpse into this Holy of Holies reveals!
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July 1, 1922 issue
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Riding the Waves
Work and Play
Receiving Thy Sight
As a Little Child
Error Destroyed
On October 31, 1921, in the United States House of Representatives,...
Clifford P. Smith,
Pain seems very real to the physical sense of feeling, and...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
I shall be grateful for the privilege of commenting upon...
Charles E. Heitman,
An article which appeared in a recent issue of your paper...
Annie I. Rembert,
Those who do not accept or test for themselves a system...
V. M. Blanche Stievenard,
A report of a sermon on the subject of Christian Science...
Wm. T. Finney,
The ministry of Christian Science is based on the omnipotence...
Elmer McBurney,
On Possessing the Land
Albert F. Gilmore
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Pearl Ecker Hubbell, Peter E. Mackay, Sally C. Bright, E. M. Le Messurier, H. R. Colborne, Semmes Steele, Herbert S. Joslin, James F. Blankenship, W. H. Arkenburgh, Don A. Bogen
I wish to relate an experience I had more than twenty...
Alexander MacKay with contributions from Hannah A. MacKay
In writing this testimony for our periodicals, my thought ...
Clara E. McKenzie
I wish to relate an experience which came to me about...
Henrietta Sanford
I am truly grateful for the many blessings that have come...
Minerva Blakeney
Jesus of Nazareth opened the way for all mankind when...
Leroy R. Whitmer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Charles S. Medbury, Taft