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Through the study of Mrs. Eddy's writings healing came...
Through the study of Mrs. Eddy's writings healing came to me and I was freed from many conditions which were unlike God, or good. I am specially grateful for the healing of fear. Every mother knows, in her work with a young child, how often fear would try to overwhelm her. One morning, when my little boy was about three years old, while playing in bed before dressing, he swallowed a metal jack. My first feeling was one of fear, as I thought of its six jagged ends. The child himself seemed terribly afraid, but I quickly changed my thought to the truth about him, and realized that as man was a spiritual idea, one with his Father-Mother, God, nothing material could in any way touch his life. I read aloud from our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and he quieted down, but lay seemingly in distress, with his mouth open and unable to speak. Through my study and work—as we are taught to work in Christian Science—I gained such a clear sense of the security of the child's life, as "hid with Christ in God," that fear completely left me. It was after midday when he suddenly sat up in bed saying he was all right and asking for his breakfast, and I am grateful to say there were no ill effects. On many other occasions, when illness has tried to attack my little one, I have been so grateful for the understanding gained through Christian Science of that Love which knows no fear, and which always brings healing.
While I am grateful for the many physical healings which have come to us, I am still more grateful to Christian Science for the power it gives us of continuous right thinking. In the daily round there are so many occasions on which temptation comes to us in the form of a wrong or untrue thought about ourselves or our neighbor. Self-condemnation, discouragement, envy, and resentment are continually trying to find a place in our thought, but, as we are obedient to the rules of divine Science and replace every material thought with spiritual reality, there comes to us increasingly the power to turn from the lying, unjust belief to the glorious vision of man as "the image and likeness of the patient, tender, and true, the One 'altogether lovely'" (Science and Health, p. 3).
(Mrs.) Jean A. Wright, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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March 25, 1922 issue
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"Whiter than snow"
"Peace, be still"
True Supply
The Golden Rule
True Warfare
Christian Science does indeed deny that a cancer or any...
Clifford P. Smith
My attention has been drawn to a report of a meeting...
Kate E. Andreae
In a recent article in your paper, certain references were...
Warren O. Evans
The account in your paper of an address given by a...
Charles W. J. Tennant
The True Fast
Albert F. Gilmore
Spiritual Sense
Duncan Sinclair
The Perfect Will of God
Ella W. Hoag
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
with contributions from Clerk of The Mother Church
The Lectures
with contributions from O. C. Elslager, Forrest H. Kane
As an expression of my gratitude for the wonderful truth...
Phoebe E. Gift
Through the study of Mrs. Eddy's writings healing came...
Jean A. Wright
My interest in Christian Science began when I was...
F. W. W. Nixon
"Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me,...
Katharine H. Gray
In the year 1910 I was told something about Christian Science...
Antoinette Eastburn Peck
I have now been a student of Christian Science for about...
W. H. Arkenburgh
A number of years ago, through the healing of a member...
Georgina F. Walker
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Edith Hill Carnes
I desire to express my gratitude for the healing of my...
Gertrude McCray
Signs of the Times
with contributions from E. S. Martin, Frank A. Vanderlip
with contributions from Clerk of The Mother Church