its teaching that the real man never fell, never strayed from the harmony, peace, and purity of his original estate, never was corrupted by evil or sin, nor ever identified with any of the doleful experiences of the mortal dream, Christian Science comes to inspire the heart with confidence, courage, and a true sense of inherent and native worthiness.
gospels are replete with vivid descriptions of the words and works of Christ Jesus, which are not only intensely interesting, but preeminently necessary in solving the life-problems of all who are seeking divine guidance from the Scriptures.
God can supply all our needs is oftentimes very perplexing to the thought that is beginning to rise above matter and is trying to grasp the fundamental truth of being.
there be any one characteristic which preeminently stands forth in our Leader's life, even as it did in the life of Christ Jesus, it is her love for mankind.
earnest student of Christian Science daily and hourly declares the omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience of the one Mind, and endeavors in every way to live consistently with and to prove the truth and power of this declaration.
"In the spirit of Christ's charity,—as one who 'hopeth all things, endureth all things,'" and as one who brought "consolation to the sorrowing and healing to the sick".
In reading over the letters of the critics of Christian Science which appeared in a recent issue, one is struck by the familiarity of much of their contents.
My attention has been drawn to a report of a meeting held at Bexhill, under the auspices of the Guild of Health, appearing in a recent issue of your paper.
The account in your paper of an address given by a clergyman on the subject of Christian Science tends to show how the viewpoint of the clergy of the Church of England is coming into line with the teachings of Christian Science.
of the things for which Christian Scientists are deeply grateful is the revelation which Christian Science has brought to them of the existence of spiritual sense.
of the deepest needs of the human heart, though perhaps somewhat undefined, has always been to find a God whose will could be relied upon as perfect, expressing yesterday, to-day, and forever the all-inclusiveness of active good.
As an expression of my gratitude for the wonderful truth given us by the teachings of Christian Science, I wish to tell some of the many benefits I have received.
The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, had been in our home for more than a year before I took any interest in it, except that I was grateful for my mother's healing; for never from a child had I known her to be so well.
In the year 1910 I was told something about Christian Science and went to a practitioner, seeking help to regain a large sum of money which I supposed had been misappropriated.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God, and to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, that I send in the following testimony of my healing.
with contributions from Clerk of The Mother Church
Available articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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