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It is with great pleasure that I send this testimony as an...
It is with great pleasure that I send this testimony as an expression of gratitude for all that Christian Science has done and is doing for me. I did not come to it for physical healing, but was seeking a religion which I could really believe in, one that would give me happiness and peace, which my former religion faied to do. I worried constantly over the present and was always looking with fear and anxiety into the future; in a word, I had no peace of mind. At this time I was looking for a religion that would meet everyday needs; and not knowing in the least the teachings of Christian Science, I asked a friend to lend me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Before finishing the first chapter I knew that this was the religion I had been seeking. I shall never forget the joy which followed, for I had found a God who is Love and who is always close at hand. I was indeed in heaven, which Mrs. Eddy tells us is "a divine state of Mind" (Science and Health, p. 291). The Bible used to be a book which I did not care to read, not being able to understand it, but now I love it, and know that only by living up to its teachings can we gain true happiness and peace.
I never knew what it was to be without a headache; but shortly after my first reading of the textbook I came to the realization that headaches were unknown to the real man, and I have not had one since. Is it any wonder that I am grateful for the blessings which Christian Science has brought, changing me from a nervous and oversensitive person into one who is contented, healthy, and happy? I have had many physical healings. A month or two after I turned to Christian Science an abscess formed in my right ear, but it was completely healed through my own understanding of the truth. At another time two members of my family who are not interested in Christian Science were taken with chicken pox and were kept in bed for about two weeks. One day the symptoms appeared on my skin, but I immediately declared the truth, knowing that there is no contagion in divine Mind, and in less than twenty-four hours they had disappeared. I have had many other proofs of the healing power of Christian Science, and for all I am deeply grateful.
Christian Science means everything to me; it is indeed the "pearl of great price." I am grateful for our periodicals, for I find in them a never ending source of spiritual food. To say that I am thankful to God, the giver of all good, and to Christ Jesus the Way-shower, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy, our dear Leader, is to express my feeling mildly.
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December 21, 1918 issue
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War Relief Work in France
A Helpful Experience
Trust and Guidance
The Use of the Reading Rooms
A minister, as reported, endeavored to advise his hearers...
George C. Palmer
A report is given of a sermon delivered by the Vicar of...
H. Wallace Smith
It is estimated that compulsory health insurance in Illinois...
Walter H. Van Zwoll
Now for the Sowing of Righteousness
William P. McKenzie
"Unto us a child is born"
William D. McCrackan
Children and Christmas
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Katherine English, Robert P. Walker, Leon G. Miles, Daniel F. Orange, George H. Johnson, Gertrude Geddes Henkel, Willis R. Burdick, Atty. B. F. Harwitz
In March, 1907, while at business, I had a sudden attack...
J. Duncan with contributions from Laurina S. Duncan
When Christian Science first came to my notice, it appealed...
Ethel Helen Calhoun
Nearly a year ago on stepping out of the door, I slipped...
Don James Burton
Every day I feel grateful for the privilege of being a student...
A. Gertrude Schanze
For some time I have wanted to express my gratitude...
Blanche K. Watson
When I began the study of Christian Science several...
Nina C. Eckert
I am as yet only a beginner in Christian Science, but am...
Robert L. Prestidge
It is with a grateful heart that I testify to the blessings...
F. Venetta Johnson with contributions from A. W. Johnson
More than ten years ago I was painfully uncertain of...
F. M. McGehee with contributions from F. M. McGehee
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. J. Peel, H. G. Wells