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Among the Churches
Current Notes
Cleveland, Ohio.—Eiderdown vests instead of knit sweaters are something new for the man in khaki. They are being made according to a special pattern by members of the Comforts Forwarding committee, which was started by the Christian Scientists of Boston and now has a branch among the Scientists in every state in the Union. Work here has been carried on at 6602 Euclid Avenue, formerly the Topliff residence. For greater convenience the committee is about to open a station at 1276 Euclid Avenue where, besides supplies of every sort and facilities for carrying on war relief and refugee work, there will be an information bureau which men in service are asked to make use of freely. The committee has arrangements for shipping clothing and other supplies direct to France.—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
New York, N. Y.—The activities of the Christian Science War Relief committee for New York state have grown to such proportions that the rooms which they formerly occupied at Aeolian Hall have become inadequate. Accordingly new quarters have been opened at 512 Fifth Avenue, corner of Forty-third Street. In addition to the business offices of the committee, the new suite contains a spacious writing room and pleasant reception rooms where men of the Army and Navy are cordially welcomed.
Kingston Leader.
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December 21, 1918 issue
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War Relief Work in France
A Helpful Experience
Trust and Guidance
The Use of the Reading Rooms
A minister, as reported, endeavored to advise his hearers...
George C. Palmer
A report is given of a sermon delivered by the Vicar of...
H. Wallace Smith
It is estimated that compulsory health insurance in Illinois...
Walter H. Van Zwoll
Now for the Sowing of Righteousness
William P. McKenzie
"Unto us a child is born"
William D. McCrackan
Children and Christmas
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Katherine English, Robert P. Walker, Leon G. Miles, Daniel F. Orange, George H. Johnson, Gertrude Geddes Henkel, Willis R. Burdick, Atty. B. F. Harwitz
In March, 1907, while at business, I had a sudden attack...
J. Duncan with contributions from Laurina S. Duncan
When Christian Science first came to my notice, it appealed...
Ethel Helen Calhoun
Nearly a year ago on stepping out of the door, I slipped...
Don James Burton
Every day I feel grateful for the privilege of being a student...
A. Gertrude Schanze
For some time I have wanted to express my gratitude...
Blanche K. Watson
When I began the study of Christian Science several...
Nina C. Eckert
I am as yet only a beginner in Christian Science, but am...
Robert L. Prestidge
It is with a grateful heart that I testify to the blessings...
F. Venetta Johnson with contributions from A. W. Johnson
More than ten years ago I was painfully uncertain of...
F. M. McGehee with contributions from F. M. McGehee
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. J. Peel, H. G. Wells