word relief, according to dictionary definitions, means a lifting up; that which removes or lessens evil, pain, discomfort, uneasiness, burden of duty.
writer recalls an experience of vital import to him which took place while he was employed in an industrial plant on the Pacific coast, the nature of the industry being of prime importance to the welfare of our nation and, consequently, to all mankind.
floodgates of the Truth are open thrown,And one blessed beam, superb, divinely bright,Streams on the startled night!No moan, no cradle cry beclouds the birthOf this Redeemer, at whose gentle voiceThe deserts and the wilderness rejoice,And angels whisper, Peace, good will to earth.
It is estimated that compulsory health insurance in Illinois would call for a twenty per cent contribution by the state, or about twelve million dollars.
the book of Proverbs we find practical wisdom, and that balanced statement may well be considered to-day which says, "The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.
by year Christendom celebrates the birth of Jesus the Christ on December the twenty-fifth, but the scientific Christian seeks to make every day a Christ-day.
with contributions from Katherine English, Robert P. Walker, Leon G. Miles, Daniel F. Orange, George H. Johnson, Gertrude Geddes Henkel, Willis R. Burdick, Atty. B. F. Harwitz
J. Duncan
with contributions from Laurina S. Duncan
In March, 1907, while at business, I had a sudden attack of illness, which was afterwards diagnosed as a nervous breakdown, the result of many years of overstrain due to close and long application to work.
When Christian Science first came to my notice, it appealed to me not for the healing but because it gave me the first clear understanding of God and of man's relation to Him.
During the past three years I have received so much inspiration and help from the many beautiful testimonies given through the Sentinel and Journal that the only was I can express my gratitude is by adding my own.
It has been my desire for some time to express my gratitude for at least a part of the many blessings I have received through the study of Christian Science.
F. M. McGehee
with contributions from F. M. McGehee
More than ten years ago I was painfully uncertain of mortal life, and was conscious that the sands of my existence, in spite of the most strenuous efforts of myself and the doctors, were fast ebbing away.
Available articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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with contributions from Katherine English, Robert P. Walker, Leon G. Miles, Daniel F. Orange, George H. Johnson, Gertrude Geddes Henkel, Willis R. Burdick, Atty. B. F. Harwitz