the people in the wilderness of long ago spiritually understood the majestic enunciation echoing from the heights of Horeb, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord," the trend of human history would have been changed.
members of the Churches of Christ, Scientist, invite their friends, neighbors, and the strangers within their gates to a midweek feast—fifty-two of them a year.
was in the early evening of an autumn day when an occupant of a railway coach looked out into the western sky upon a wondrous glowing star somewhat above the horizon.
coming into an understanding of Christian Science, light to us had always meant the sun, and much of our happiness and our sorrows had seemed to result from sunshine or gloom, even so-called disease being traced to weather conditions.
through the residential part of a city one morning the writer noticed two children descending the steps of neighboring houses with their school books, evidently just starting for school, and heard one say to the other, "Oh, did you get your invitation?
Christian Science, being Science, being the demonstration of Principle, naturally and inevitably pursues its way in the demonstration and exposition of Principle, quite regardless of opinion—for there can be no opinion in Science—or of all apparent evidence of any presence or condition out of accord with Principle.
With reference to the item reprinted in your March number from The Churchman, to the effect that during a Red Cross drive for membership in New York last December Christian Scientists tore down Red Cross posters, destroyed a Red Cross booth, and forbade a Red Cross agent to solicit members, I would ask you to give equal circulation to my statement that this report is entirely false.
With reference to the item reprinted in your March numday, in which Christian Science is included under the systems classed as "overstrained religiousness," I beg to observe that this grouping suggests that Christian Science has not been thoroughly studied or its teachings rightly understood by the writer of the article.
course there is no Moloch any more than there is a misleading personality named Jack-o'-lantern lighting people to destruction in swamps and morasses.
It is with a sense of deep gratitude for all that Christian Science has done and is now doing for me and mine that I write this testimony, in the hope that it may be of some use, of some help and encouragement to others.
I have been an earnest student of Christian Science for several years, having during this time relied on it in every emergency, and I have never known it to fail.
The many blessings I have received through Christian Science, and the encouragement derived from the testimonies given in the Sentinel and Journal, prompt me to tell of my experience, hoping it may help others as I have been helped.
I want to express my gratitude for the great benefits I have received from Christian Science, and for the understanding of the Bible gained through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
I took up the study of Christian Science nearly eight years ago, after having treatment for several months from a specialist for a so-called chronic throat disease without receiving any benefit whatever.
About eight years ago I came to Christian Science and was healed of one of the worst forms of kidney trouble after the doctor had said I could not live any longer than six months.
Available articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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