At a meeting of business men held in Rio de Janeiro, on June 20, a company was formed for the exploitation of a process for preserving meats without the use of refrigeration.
these days of "wars and rumors of wars," who can doubt that too much of the thought of those "that dwell on the earth" is given over to a saddened contemplation of carnage and destruction; as Keats puts it,—
of the Bible the world over must surely marvel at the unresponsiveness of the masses in the face of Jesus' wonderful demonstrations of God's presence with men.
beautiful July morning I had planned several busy hours in a town three miles distant from the small country resort which I was visiting, so was rowed over the sparkling waters of a beautiful lake to the opposite shore.
material sense is no less limited and finite in its attitude toward The Christian Science Monitor than it is toward any other product of the discovery of Christian Science.
the Latin Vulgate, the version of the Bible translated by Jerome in the fourth century and regarded as the authorized version for many centuries, part of Genesis i.
There is a somewhat common notion that Christian Science is a kind of competitor of materia medica and other methods of treating the sick, and that physical healing is its sole mission.
In a sermon as reported in your department of religion and social service, the clergyman in criticizing Christian Scientists said that "their denial of a personal God makes the term a mockery.
Christian Science does not teach that the thoughts of mortals heal the sick, but it does teach that the sick were healed in the first century, and for some two or three centuries, by Jesus and his followers, and that they were healed in accordance with an ever-operative, divine, spiritual law.
these days of much education along the lines of public health, and especially that phase of the subject which has been termed "preventive medicine," it is noticeable that not even the most sanguine of the advocates of drastic health laws permits himself to prophesy the utter extinction of disease by these methods.
That Christian Science rests upon a logical and practical basis was brought to my attention about three years ago, when for the first time I learned of the two conflicting accounts of the creation in the first and second chapters of Genesis,—one of the spiritual man in the image and likeness of God, and the other of his counterfeit, made of the dust of the ground.
Further to confirm the efficacy of Christian Science in healing all manner of disease, I gratefully offer my testimony in the hope of convincing some one seeking help and health through the ministration of this truth.
Near the end of 1910, when I was practising for an entertainment, a severe cold developed with violent coughing, and finally, after falling in a faint, I concluded it was best to summon help.
It is a privilege to express my gratitude for even the little understanding I have of Christian Science and for the many blessings received while studying this wonderful truth.
I wish to give thanks for the many blessings which I have received through Christian Science, with the hope that my words may be the means of helping others.
In the late summer of 1912, shortly after the help of a loving Christian Science practitioner had been secured for me, I was able to leave the asylum in which I was confined with a mental disorder which the medical profession pronounced incurable.
Over fourteen years ago I was healed by Christian Science after three years of great suffering from nervous decline with all its accompanying fears and depressions.
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