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Truth Substantial
Substance is defined by our dictionaries as that which underlies or is the basis of all visible manifestation. This is quite the opposite of the mortal sense of substance, and never more so than in the case of supply, or money. Since mortals are always manifesting something, according to this definition they must be expressing what they believe substance to be. Substance is not money, food, clothes, but rather that understanding or intelligence, expressed, which enables one to earn the money necessary to exchange for what appears to be a real need. It is the understanding of God as all-power which lifts one above the sense of the reality of a negative power. Since Christian Science defines substance as "Spirit, the synonym of Mind, Soul, or God" (Science and Health, p. 468), the requirement is to manifest more of Spirit,—Life, Truth, Love. Life is expressed on the human plane in right desire and activity; Truth in honesty, purity, carefulness; Love in kindness, charity, gentleness, justice.
Some years ago, after having been interested in Christian Science for a time, I found myself out of work and in financial need. I had often read of the revelation of Truth that came to the worthies of olden time, and to Christian Scientists at the present day, freeing from sin and want and suffering. I needed such a revelation, and with this in thought I lay down on a couch to wait for light upon my pressing problem. After lying there for a while, the thought came as though spoken, "Get up, and go to work."
Over and over these words made their appeal, and finally I got up to test this demand, for I had learned that the truth as taught in Christian Science is demonstrable. Looking around to see what to do, I found a desk in dire confusion. There was an opportunity for a start, and with this in view all the old letters and accumulated rubbish were cleared out; all my belongings in turn were inspected and set to rights, what was worthless being discarded. Then I went down-stairs to see what could be done for those with whom I was living. Not an opportunity was neglected to do for some one else and do it thoroughly. All the time I seemed to be rowing up-stream against the evil suggestion, "How foolish! This is getting you no money." During the next few days a bit of money would occasionally be received for a service rendered, and this provided for the immediate need. Board and lodging, which were furnished on trust because of the evident sincerity manifest, were soon after paid for entirely.
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June 24, 1916 issue
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"What is written in the law"
Our Text-book
Love's Activity
Universal Love
The Waterless Desert
Truth Substantial
The Divine Will
The letter from a clergyman in a recent issue makes it...
Thorwald Siegfried
A writer in the Jewish Times has recently taken occasion...
Thomas F. Watson
What the world demands today is a practical religion...
John L. Rendall
The evangelist now campaigning in our city is quoted to...
Thomas E. Boland
Archibald McLellan
Spiritual Warfare
William D. McCrackan
Testing Times
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from George S. Powell, Fred E. Tilden, J. S. Braithwaite, Alexander Archie, W. S. Metz, Edwin F. Hammond, Georgia H. Reynolds
About twenty-one years ago my first baby was born, and...
Nellie J. Walker with contributions from George A. T. Walker
I am eager to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Elizabeth A. Bell
For three years I have been enjoying splendid health and...
Donald M. Southwart with contributions from Martha A. Southwart
I gladly testify to the efficacy of Christian Science treatment...
Stella Baird Hastain
Christian Science came into my life in April, 1911, and I...
James R. Dixon
A sense of gratitude and joy induces me to testify that...
Sophie Hussong
Christian Science has healed me of a disease for which the...
Caroline Fritz with contributions from Amalie Fritz
I have received so much help spiritually and physically...
Sara B. Lampken
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from E. W. Barnes, Robert A. Ashworth, W. E. Orchard