I often feel that I am neglecting a duty in not sending in...

I often feel that I am neglecting a duty in not sending in some of my experiences in Christian Science to express my appreciation and gratitude for this redemptive teaching. I am deeply grateful to our dear Leader, who discovered this Christ-healing, which destroys both sin and disease and has brought to a sick and sinning world a new-old light. It certainly has been a "lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

In the early part of 1898 I came to Christian Science for the healing of chronic stomach disorder, bowel trouble, and nervousness. The first light I received was in being told that Jesus had said, "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink." This impressed me, for it was a new application of the text, and decidedly different from what I had been doing, for I had given some years of experiment and study as to what to eat and drink, but was becoming only more and more confused, distressed, and nervous. I took Christian Science treatment, adopted this, to me, new truth at once, and began to eat and enjoy everything set before me. The world and everything in it seemed changed, while new joy, new hope, new ambitions and desires came to me. I gave up all medicine, and have never used any since. It is now some seventeen years since that time, and Christian Science has been my only means of cure.

I began also to read and enjoy the Bible, something I had not been able to do, though at one time I bought a child's Bible, thinking I might understand it, as it was arranged for children; but it only disturbed and confused me. Some things seemed absurd, and I was getting to the point where I could not accept or believe them, and was about ready to regard the whole thing as a myth; but the light that our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, has given us in our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," has enabled me, in a degree, to appreciate, accept, and demonstrate in my life the great truths found in the Word of God, as well as the admonitions of our Master and Wayshower. Where I once thought it impossible, I now find it a great privilege to follow his teachings. The Bible no longer seems contradictory, but it is the greatest of books. I daily enjoy reading its clear expressions of the great scientific facts of God and His creation, the experiences and progress of our forefathers, and the prophecies, revelations, and fulfilments contained in its pages.

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Testimony of Healing
Having in my youth been thoroughly steeped in agnosticism,...
June 19, 1915

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