I take pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of Christian Science...

I take pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of Christian Science in the healing of diseases. Some time ago I was taken ill with a bad attack of articular rheumatism, and for eight weeks I had treatment from the best doctors in the city, who did all they could to relieve me. They, however, only succeeded in allaying the pain, and I was left with a badly crippled and stiff knee-joint. It seemed that I was doomed to be a cripple for the rest of my life, as the doctors could not give me any assurance that I would ever again be able to have the full use of my limb.

A friend then called my attention to Christian Science, but I could not believe it would do me any good, as the doctors had exhausted their skill and decided that nothing further could be done. I was, nevertheless, assured that there was relief for me, if I would only take advantage of the opportunity. I finally concluded to give Christian Science a trial, and was taken to a practitioner, who told me that my case was not hopeless, and talked to me very kindly, citing many cases of a similar nature that had found relief through the power of Truth. After taking four treatments I was able to go about without crutches, something I had not been able to do for nearly four weeks. I then realized that truth was stronger than error, and that Christian Science could overcome disease. In twelve days I was completely healed and returned to my work. I have also been relieved of several other inharmonies, the most notable of which was an ungovernable temper, and I now find myself a better man in many ways than I was before I became acquainted with this religion.

Over two years have passed since I was healed, and there has never been any recurrence of the ailment. I am more than grateful to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for showing us the way to an understanding of the truth, also for the spiritual light I have gained, for the broader outlook, and the greater love for all mankind. — William Bosley, Mattoon, Ill.

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June 19, 1915

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