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My first introduction to Christian Science was during the...
My first introduction to Christian Science was during the early spring of 1889, at which time I was suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. I took about three treatments, and as I did not notice any improvement I dismissed the practitioner, and with her all thought of Science. After that I used material remedies, and in the course of time got seemingly well.
About nineteen years later Christian Science was again forcibly brought to my notice. At this time it was recommended to my wife, who had been in very poor health for a number of years, by an aunt who had been wonderfully helped through the study of Science and Health. My wife concluded to try it, as all medical and surgical skill had been exhausted, so she purchased a copy of Science and Health and began its study. Her health improved so rapidly that I became interested to know what there could be in a book that could work such wonders. I therefore started to read, as I had come to the conclusion that if it could help my wife so much, it surely could not hurt me; and if there was any good available, I wanted it. I had not read more than a month or two when I threw away all my medicines,—and I had a lot of them, both at home and at the place where I worked, for while I did not have any so-called serious ailments, I nevertheless had a lot of excuses for taking medicine. This was over five years ago, and I have not used any remedy of a material nature since.
Three or four months after beginning the study of Christian Science I was cured of the tobacco habit. I had used tobacco for years, yet all desire for it left me, and it was no effort at all to quit. About four months afterward I lost all desire for intoxicating drinks, and I have not used any thing of that kind since. I had a large boil on my hand, and I experienced no pain and but very little soreness from it. On two occasions I have had severe attacks of stomach trouble, which some claimed was ptomaine poisoning; but in both cases the difficulty was overcome in a few hours through Christian Science treatment. At another time I had a bad attack of rheumatism, and about a week after this came on, I was taken ill with acute lung trouble. A Christian Science practitioner treated me all night, with the result that this ailment was overcome inside of twelve hours. While the rheumatism did not yield quite so quickly, yet in five weeks I was back at work.
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May 29, 1915 issue
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Man Not Separate From God
The Road to Damascus
"Now is come salvation"
Guarding Our Thought
Gaining Reality
Divine Reflection
Love's Guidance
My attention has been drawn to your report of a sermon...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
May I request sufficient space in which to correct a statement...
Campbell MacCulloch
The kindly tone of the editorial on Christian Science in...
Ezra W. Palmer
In justice to Christian Science and a misinformed public,...
Robert S. Ross
Christ's Christianity
Archibald McLellan
Eternal Youth
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Hiram W. Hayes, E. G. Lorenzen, H. M. Wright, A. A. Miller
It is from a heart overflowing with gratitude that I bear...
Mattie C. Adleta
I wish to reiterate my expression of deep gratitude through...
Luise Rosenthal
My first introduction to Christian Science was during the...
Henry C. Jaacks with contributions from Mary B. Jaacks
Nearly five years ago I went to visit relatives who were...
Marie Josephine R. Kay