With the completion of the Dalles-Celilo canal, which removes the last barrier to the free navigation of the Columbia river and its tributaries from the Pacific ocean 479 miles inland to Lewiston, Idaho, the people of the Columbia basin have just commemorated the importance of the event in a series of celebrations which are participated in by government and state officials, representatives of commercial, agricultural, and civic organizations, and the citizens of all the communities along the great waterway.
the book of Acts we read that "Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, and desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
most essential thing for the true Christian Scientist is to guard his consciousness, carefully and steadfastly, so that no unkind, erroneous thought may find entrance.
explaining to his disciples the unity existing between God the creator and His creations, that tender protection which divine Love ever gives to its own, and also to emphasize the necessity for love and obedience on the part of man, the Master chose as an illustration the relationship of father and son, the tie between parent and offspring being the highest earthly conception of love and protection.
The clergymen and ministers must have thought there was something radically wrong with the churches of Philadelphia, else they would not have united in inviting an evangelist here.
The notion that Christian Science is based on suggestion could be held only by those who are misinformed or uninformed as to what Christian Science teaches, because Christian Science is the opposite of suggestion.
The kind words which a critic adds to my answer of his criticism, encourage me to draw the attention of your readers once more to the subject of Christian Science.
In justice to Christian Science and a misinformed public, permit me to state that the attack on the Christian Science bill, referred to in a recent issue, was wholly unwarranted, for the reason that not once in the forty years during which Christian Science has been practised in New York state has a Christian Scientist been found guilty of contributing to an epidemic of disease, Assemblyman Hinman's charges notwithstanding.
no question has received more attention at the hands of the race than that as to the nature of life, and yet even educated Christian thought about life has for the most part always embraced a palpable contradiction, and is still contending for it.
Isaiah's prophecy we read, "Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord," a declaration which all Christian people would do well to ponder daily, since Christ Jesus announced to Pilate that his mission was to "bear witness unto the truth;" that he came to the world for this purpose.
I wish to reiterate my expression of deep gratitude through these columns, after having frequently testified in Wednesday evening meetings to the benefits received through Christian Science.
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