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Divine Reflection
In explaining to his disciples the unity existing between God the creator and His creations, that tender protection which divine Love ever gives to its own, and also to emphasize the necessity for love and obedience on the part of man, the Master chose as an illustration the relationship of father and son, the tie between parent and offspring being the highest earthly conception of love and protection.
Thus a concept of divine Love and guidance founded upon the human sense of relationship, was established by the Master to awaken in the human heart the dormant sense of spiritual unity. This use of the human to explain the divine has come down the centuries, and is accepted and applied today by all exponents and followers of Truth; but as human sense through Christian Science becomes more spiritual, and we thus ascend the scale of being, we shall lose sight of fleshly ties, of an anthropomorphic God, and the scientific significance of the term reflection, which Mrs. Eddy says "few persons comprehend" (Science and Health, p. 301), will be understood and accepted. It will be realized, through the application and demonstration of spiritual law, that God and man coexist, and that God being infinite Life, Truth, and Love, and man having no existence, intelligence, or love apart from his Maker, loving obedience is a part of the divine order of reflection. According to the Scriptures, man lives for a holy purpose, to manifest his creator; but the nature of this reflection needs to be apprehended in order to overcome the deflection of mortal sense.
The call within the heart of all to attain to this manifestation of God, that they may thus express the true individuality, has existed throughout all the ages; but never perhaps in the history of mankind has it been so universally felt, or the spiritual goal so nearly attained, as at the present time, because of the dawning on human consciousness of the impersonality of the saving truth as understood and demonstrated through Christian Science. Never since the days of the Messiah has there been such a clear realization of man's at-one-ment with his creator, whereby he reflects divine wisdom, power, strength, health, and harmony. Although in the past the true individuality has been theoretically cognized, it was not until the coming of the Comforter, in Christian Science, that the separation between the material sense of man and man in the likeness of God was so clearly made as to enable believers to grasp, retain, and manifest true sonship.
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May 29, 1915 issue
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Man Not Separate From God
The Road to Damascus
"Now is come salvation"
Guarding Our Thought
Gaining Reality
Divine Reflection
Love's Guidance
My attention has been drawn to your report of a sermon...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
May I request sufficient space in which to correct a statement...
Campbell MacCulloch
The kindly tone of the editorial on Christian Science in...
Ezra W. Palmer
In justice to Christian Science and a misinformed public,...
Robert S. Ross
Christ's Christianity
Archibald McLellan
Eternal Youth
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Hiram W. Hayes, E. G. Lorenzen, H. M. Wright, A. A. Miller
It is from a heart overflowing with gratitude that I bear...
Mattie C. Adleta
I wish to reiterate my expression of deep gratitude through...
Luise Rosenthal
My first introduction to Christian Science was during the...
Henry C. Jaacks with contributions from Mary B. Jaacks
Nearly five years ago I went to visit relatives who were...
Marie Josephine R. Kay