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Among the Churches
Current Notes
Monrovia, Cal .—Although not planning to build at once, the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, have determined to improve their recently purchased building lots, in advance of the actual erection of the church. Consequently they have fenced in the two lots, which are situated on East Palm, directly south of the high school, and have cultivated the ground and sown it to wild flowers. The most recent improvement is that of planting fifty rose-bushes and eight ornamental trees. From two unattractive, weedy lots the property has been transformed, and it will soon be covered with varicolored bloom.—Monrovia News.
Hermosa Beach, Cal.—Gratifying growth has been experienced by the Christian Science Society. Though only recently organized, the society has increased in membership so rapidly that already the chapel and reading-room on Sixteenth street is proving inadequate to care for the needs of the congregation.—Hermosa Beach Review.
Bellingham, Wash.—The building fund of First Church of Christ, Scientist, has now grown to such an extent that an announcement has been made to the effect that a new church will be built next year on the lots owned on Broadway street. The building will cost somewhere between seven and ten thousand dollars.—Journal-Progressive.
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May 29, 1915 issue
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Man Not Separate From God
The Road to Damascus
"Now is come salvation"
Guarding Our Thought
Gaining Reality
Divine Reflection
Love's Guidance
My attention has been drawn to your report of a sermon...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
May I request sufficient space in which to correct a statement...
Campbell MacCulloch
The kindly tone of the editorial on Christian Science in...
Ezra W. Palmer
In justice to Christian Science and a misinformed public,...
Robert S. Ross
Christ's Christianity
Archibald McLellan
Eternal Youth
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Hiram W. Hayes, E. G. Lorenzen, H. M. Wright, A. A. Miller
It is from a heart overflowing with gratitude that I bear...
Mattie C. Adleta
I wish to reiterate my expression of deep gratitude through...
Luise Rosenthal
My first introduction to Christian Science was during the...
Henry C. Jaacks with contributions from Mary B. Jaacks
Nearly five years ago I went to visit relatives who were...
Marie Josephine R. Kay