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[Translated from the German]
I wish to reiterate my expression of deep gratitude through...
I wish to reiterate my expression of deep gratitude through these columns, after having frequently testified in Wednesday evening meetings to the benefits received through Christian Science. My appreciation of its teachings, upon becoming acquainted with them, was feeble as compared with the sense of gratitude that now fills me as I grow in understanding. It would take too long to tell in detail of the diseases which in the course of years made of me an unhappy, discontented, life-weary woman; I will therefore confine myself to mentioning a few. For twenty-five years I was afflicted with an incurable form of stomach trouble, according to medical opinion, and my family were afraid that it might be tubercular disease. Every means of cure, including a six weeks' stay at a hospital under the supervision of two professors, failed to bring about the slightest change in my condition. An abdominal complaint then set in, and I was told by the physicians that I must lie down a good part of the time. I did so, as I believed in the necessity of following instructions. None of the operations which were performed proved a help. Eighteen years before this, I had contracted whooping-cough with my children, and it left me with a throat affection which became chronic. According to the statement of a specialist, deep grooves had formed in my throat, and neither cauterizing nor injecting would relieve me, much less cure the trouble. A very sensitive spot in the throat, which could be reached neither by gargling nor by the brush, often kept me from finding rest at night. To this was added a severe nervous condition, accompanied by sleeplessness.
When I say that Christian Science has completely freed me of all these ills, every one will realize my deep sense of thankfulness to God, whose truth has made of me a healthy, happy, and contented woman. I may say that I am even more thankful for the spiritual gain than for the physical healing, and words are inadequate to express my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, who through faithful, self-sacrificing, and selfless love has helped us to discern the truth which makes us free. I believe that I can best express my gratitude by the endeavor to assimilate more of the truth and by praying daily for the Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus." I shall always be deeply grateful for the great patience shown and the assistance which Christian Scientists have lent me.
Frau Luise Rosenthal, Hamburg, Germany.
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May 29, 1915 issue
View Issue-
Man Not Separate From God
The Road to Damascus
"Now is come salvation"
Guarding Our Thought
Gaining Reality
Divine Reflection
Love's Guidance
My attention has been drawn to your report of a sermon...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
May I request sufficient space in which to correct a statement...
Campbell MacCulloch
The kindly tone of the editorial on Christian Science in...
Ezra W. Palmer
In justice to Christian Science and a misinformed public,...
Robert S. Ross
Christ's Christianity
Archibald McLellan
Eternal Youth
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Hiram W. Hayes, E. G. Lorenzen, H. M. Wright, A. A. Miller
It is from a heart overflowing with gratitude that I bear...
Mattie C. Adleta
I wish to reiterate my expression of deep gratitude through...
Luise Rosenthal
My first introduction to Christian Science was during the...
Henry C. Jaacks with contributions from Mary B. Jaacks
Nearly five years ago I went to visit relatives who were...
Marie Josephine R. Kay