Among the Churches

Current Notes

Trinidad, Col.—One of the most pleasing features in connection with the entire Las Animas County fair was the manner in which the ladies of the Christian Science church looked after the wants of the women and children at the fair grounds during the long waits between races and between trips to the exhibit rooms. The only reading-room on the grounds was provided by this church, and it was fitted up with chairs, lounges, tables, and plenty of literature, not to mention the big tank of ice-water. More than seven hundred and fifty people availed themselves of the opportunity to rest for a few minutes. The officials of the fair have been most profuse in their thanks to the thoughtful donors of the reading-room.—Picketwire.

Kenton, Ohio.—For the first time the local distribution committee had a tent for the reading and distribution of Christian Science literature at the Hardin County fair. There were 172 visitors. Sentinels given out numbered 64, Journals, 24; Monitors, 50; Herolds, 3.—Correspondence.

Bethlehem, Pa.—Christian Scientists from the Bethlehems, Easton, Allentown, and Catasauqua have purchased the former building of the Bethlehem Trust Company at Bethlehem, and will convert it into a church edifice.

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The Lectures
November 13, 1915

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