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About two years ago I came to Christian Science for the...
About two years ago I came to Christian Science for the healing of stomach and bowel trouble of three years' standing and was cured in a week's treatment. With the exception of a slight attack a few months later this healing has been perfect and permanent. Since that time my health has been better than ever before; I had never been strong from childhood. Three doctors had been tried for the above trouble, the last one saying I would have to submit to an operation; but this I would not do, as I had a horror of such things. Having heard just a little of Christian Science through a cousin who had been healed of the same trouble, I decided to take treatment, and was healed very quickly, as I have said. I read Science and Health faithfully, and it seemed very beautiful to me. It certainly is a "Key to the Scriptures."
I have also been healed of severe colds and influenza. While very grateful for all these healings, I am equality so for the knowledge that God does hear and answer prayer, and that there was none to oppose me when I turned to Christian Science. This did not seem so much to me at first, but when I hear how hard it has been for some who have had to stand alone, I feel that I have much for which to be thankful. I have tried Christian Science in many ways, and always find that when I do my part by right thinking and right knowing, God is ready to help me. Both my parents having passed on several years before I came into Christian Science, and the only member of the family besides myself in this city being a younger sister, it seems so comforting to know that I can always lean on God.
Christian Science has been a great blessing to me and all in my home, and I am thankful to God, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for giving us this truth which we can use daily and hourly.—Christine Sickel, Chicago, Ill.
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November 13, 1915 issue
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"No thought for the morrow"
Giving Up and Going Up
True Sympathy
"Act of God"
When a man who is practising medicine says, "I use Christian Science...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
A synopsis in your paper of a recent sermon indicates...
Samuel Greenwood
The evangelist whom your paper reports as making the...
Thorwald Siegfried
Your interesting report of a clergyman's lecture credits...
Charles F. Kraft
We need a clearer discernment of the vital significance of...
George E. Dawson
"Honor to whom honor is due"
Archibald McLellan
Law a Power
Annie M. Knott
Healing of Dishonesty
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Alice Nichols, E. E. Boner, L. Harold Burt
Having been most wonderfully healed in Christian Science,...
Mamie Chambers with contributions from Cammie Chambers
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write this testimony,...
Ethel K. Brillhart
About two years ago I came to Christian Science for the...
Christine Sickel with contributions from Elsie Sickel
For six months previous to becoming interested in Christian Science...
Mollie C. Langhorne
I joyfully embrace the opportunity to express my thankfulness...
Elise Opterbeck
The Great Surrender
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Russell Henry Stafford, Thomas N. Carver, Joseph Fort Newton