Agricultural or farm schools are urgently needed in the Philippine Islands, according to the director of education, who says that at least one such school should be found in every province, and that equipment should be purchased and capable teachers employed to put not less than one special course in farming in every one of the 300 intermediate schools now in existence.
of Christian Science who are making discoveries, have learned among other things how futile and profitless it is for mortal man to make plans.
trend of the human mind for centuries has been to associate goodness with asceticism, and it is not surprising, therefore, to hear the beginner in Christian Science express a vague fear that if he continues his study to the point where he finally becomes what he terms "good," he will have to give up much of that cheerful exuberance of spirits which he has somehow grown to think is incompatible with the religious temperament.
When a man who is practising medicine says, "I use Christian Science in my work," he professes to practise two systems which cannot be combined, or else he uses suggestion.
When the great apostle to the Gentiles confronted King Agrippa in the place of hearing in ancient Cæsarea, he summed up the incredulity of the human mind in regard to things spiritual in the trenchant question, "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?
In an article purporting to refute Christian Science the critic stated by means of comparison that we worship a "twofold power, one of good, the other of evil.
The evangelist whom your paper reports as making the statement that Christian Science is of the devil, seems to be giving himself needless trouble, for if it is of the devil, whom Jesus pronounced a liar, the more that people understand of it the less it will draw them; whereas in fact those who understand Christian Science best, love it most, and its crities often understand it the least.
Your interesting report of a clergyman's lecture credits the speaker with including Christian Science with alchemy, palmistry, and theosophy as "occultism.
We need a clearer discernment of the vital significance of gentleness in the character of men and women, in the relations individuals sustain toward one another, and in all the complex affairs of business and politics among social groups, and even among nations.
people would be willing to deny the power of law, however understood, but there would doubtless be great diversity of opinion as to how this power could be proved.
Mamie Chambers
with contributions from Cammie Chambers
Having been most wonderfully healed in Christian Science, I feel it my duty to write this testimony, in the hope that it may help some one, although I can never fully express the wonderful peace that has come to me.
On June 11, 1913, I was riding a bicycle on the way to work, when at the intersection of two streets a motor-cycle, ridden by two people and going at a high rate of speed, struck my wheel, throwing me about fifteen feet, where I landed on my head with the motor-cycle and the two people on top of me.
It is with a sense of deepest gratitude that I wish to testify to the wonderful blessings which my twelve year old son has received through Christian Science.
Christine Sickel
with contributions from Elsie Sickel
About two years ago I came to Christian Science for the healing of stomach and bowel trouble of three years' standing and was cured in a week's treatment.
Twelve years ago, at a time when there were many difficulties to contend with and I was hungering and thirsting for the truth, Christian Science was presented to me.
For six months previous to becoming interested in Christian Science my thought had been much disturbed, and my constant prayer had been for more light.
tenderly, when we were little children,As evening came they took away our toys,Knowing that night brings rest for tired people;And as we weeping left our childish joys,How gentle were the arms then folded round us,How quiet was the voice that bade us rest,Whispered our toys would all be there tomorrowAnd sleep was best.
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