It was to be observed in a recent issue that a certain bishop...

The Republican

It was to be observed in a recent issue that a certain bishop injected an attack on Christian Science into the baccalaureate sermon which he delivered at Dartmouth College. I hope that your readers have noted the significance of such an occurrence. A revolution of religious thought is going on, and the rate of its progress is indicated by the nature of the opposition it has aroused.

As for the particular judgment which the right reverend gentleman pronounced, namely, that Christian Science leaves people to cure disease by neglect, it would be a weightier opinion from a more disinterested person. With many members of his church, and at least a few of the clergy, the question regarding Christian Science is not whether it is more reliable than medicine, but whether it can be fully enjoyed and utilized within the church. Of its efficacy and its spirituality they have been convinced by their own observation or experience. In these circumstances the dictum in question should not be regarded as convincing, even if its propriety should be admitted. Christian Science is the restoration of pure Christianity, with its spiritual power over evil, including disease. Therefore its present adherents confidently anticipate its ultimate acceptance by all people; and they are not concerned as to whether this development occurs within or without the denominations which now mark the division of Christendom into sects.

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