I wish to testify to the efficacy of Christian Science healing...

I wish to testify to the efficacy of Christian Science healing as proven to me in the spring of 1912, when I was healed of an abscess which had formed in my gums and cheek. All through the spring I was troubled every two or three weeks with a swelling which would last a couple of days and then subside. Finally an abscess formed and became very painful, while my face was so swollen that I could not close my mouth. I had become interested in Christian Science a short time before, and I declared the truth to the best of my understanding, but I did not seem to get any better. All through the night I suffered intensely and was unable to sleep. By morning there was no apparent change, though the pain was less severe, and through fear that I would have to spend another such miserable night I telephoned for absent treatment in the evening, with the result that the pain began to lessen and I went to sleep and slept soundly till morning, when I found that the abscess had opened and the swelling had gone down considerably. There was absolutely no pain, and in three days I was entirely healed.

Though I am only a beginner in the understanding of Christian Science, I have been able to banish such minor ills as headaches, burns, fatigue. There are still many wrong habits of thought to be corrected and erroneous beliefs to be eradicated, but I am confident that I have found the way, and with the goal ever in view I shall strive for the Christ-mind, where Spirit is enthroned, and where sin, sickness, and death are unknown. I am indeed grateful for the knowledge of a God who is omnipotent good, Life, Truth, and Love unchangeable.—Eva Petersen, Billings, Mont.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
January 30, 1915

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