I began to use an opiate internally in the year 1882

I began to use an opiate internally in the year 1882. After that I not only became addicted to the drug habit, but I also smoked incessantly. When I heard of Christian Science five years ago, I hardly looked like a human being, but from that day my regeneration began. First the drug and then the tobacco habit left me, and I have used no opiates or tobacco, and have had no desire for liquor, in four and a half years. Today I am happy and healthy, and I know that it was only the power of God that could have saved me. I give the glory to God, and I am deeply grateful to our beloved Leader,Mrs. Eddy, for Christian Science.

E. L. Fendler, Ph.G., D.D.S., New York, N. Y.

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From Our Exchanges
January 30, 1915

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