Perfection and Reality

In Christian Science perfection and reality are synonymous terms. Mrs. Eddy says: "Perfection underlies reality. Without perfection, nothing is wholly real. All things will continue to disappear, until perfection appears and reality is reached" (Science and Health, p. 353). In studying the ten commandments a Christian Scientist is instinctively led to think upon the demand uttered by Christ Jesus, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." There are, however, few who realize the intense significance of the truth that in the scientific sense nothing is real but the perfect, and that nothing else endures.

It is simply astonishing how many professed Christians treat this subject lightly, almost taking the position that perfection is impossible of attainment, and that God does not expect it of us. There is no hint of this in Jesus' teachings; on the contrary, we find a solemn warning respecting those who "bring no fruit to perfection." In many such cases faithfulness and humility are lacking. Some students of Christian Science, thinking they can reach the heights at a bound, ignore, or, what is worse, disdain the steps by which perfection is reached. We must not forget that even the lowliest task should be undertaken with perfection in view. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might," the wise man counsels, which means, do it with energy, diligence, intelligence, in obedience to the demand of Principle that perfection must be expressed in all things, from the least to the greatest. Keble's lines convey a much needed lesson,—

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Among the Churches
January 9, 1915

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