What developed from effort made to promote education in the southern United States is summarized in the sixth instalment of the report of the general education board, founded by John D.
more thoroughly the student of Christian Science studies the writings of our revered Leader, the more profoundly impressed he is sure to become by her wonderful spiritual insight and marvelously incisive analysis of the word of Truth.
the one who has repeatedly received benefit from the study and practice of Christian Science, who has been healed both morally and physically, and who has gained some ability to prove the helpfulness of reliance on Principle in whatever vocation he may be engaged, there is no instruction more desirable than that which enables one to replace reliance on self with trust in a present knowledge of God.
are many words which, before the study of Christian Science enabled us to read them aright, bore sinister and unfavorable meanings, but which we now know to have meanings of a wholly different character.
was only a drop of dewThat watered the heart of a rose ;But the rose bloomed out her gracious span,A thing of beauty and praise for man,In her fragrant garden close.
Your correspondent of recent date who asserts his belief that homeopathy and Christian Science are identical and are "faith-cure, pure and simple," is mistaken.
Jesus gave us a test whereby his true followers should be known, when he said: "These signs shall follow them that believe ; In my name shall they cast out devils ;.
In a recent issue appears the report of a paper which requires a reply in order to prevent injustice being done, and to make it known that Christian Science is based absolutely upon the Scriptures, and is neither unchristian nor Hindu in teaching or practice; that it does not deny the need of a Saviour, but preaches that Christ, Truth, is this Saviour, and heals both the sick and the sinner in this name and by this power, and that it does not place the name of its Discoverer and Founder, Mrs.
During the past few days the peace-loving city of Greeley has witnessed an abnormal condition within her borders,—the stirring up of hate against some of her citizens, the fanning of religious intolerance, the attempted interference with the religious freedom of others, and a studied effort to cast stigma and odium on the Christian Science church and its adherents ; all this in the name of Christ, by an evangelist who apparently has forgotten that the mission of Christ was love and not hate.
emphasis which Jesus laid upon the healing of the sick begets the inference that he attached a value to this feature of his ministry which many of his professed followers seem indisposed to recognize.
Nearly eight years ago Christian Science was presented to me through a short talk, and my husband's instantaneous release from bondage to stomach trouble.
My wife was ill during a period of six years,—since the birth of her first child in 1903,—and was confined to her bed the greater part of the time, suffering greatly.
I am very glad to have the opportunity to write a few words about what this wonderful truth, Christian Science, has done for me, hoping that they may help those who are looking for something to meet their human need.
I feel it a duty and a privilege to relate some of the blessings which I have received through Christian Science, with the hope that others may be helped thereby.
Addie C. Thorpe
with contributions from Mai A. Ellis Jandron
I wish to express my gratitude for the benefits received through Christian Science, and I know of no better or more far-reaching way than through the columns of the Sentinel.
Truth's command forth from the tomb again, Whom the last foe had held four long sad days, One came; yet limited in many ways, Through human aid his freedom to attain.
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