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After reading the many testimonies in both the Sentinel and the Journal,...
After reading the many testimonies in both the Sentinel and the Journal, I deem it my duty, as a student of the truth as taught in Christian Science, to give my experience in the healing of disease.
It is about four years since I came into Science. I had completed an engagement with a military band (music being my profession), and had gone to live with my brother and his wife, who had accepted Christian Science some time before and had had several demonstrations. They told me of the healing, and when Sunday morning came, I was invited to go to church. Although I had gone to many churches, religion had never appealed to me very much, because I had not found a scientific, demonstrable teaching, and hence looked upon churchgoing as merely a form or habit. The kind invitation, therefore, was not accepted at first, though it was finally, as my brother would otherwise have had to go alone that morning. Then, too, I wished to hear the beautiful music. Not only did I hear good music, but, best of all, I found the truth for which I had been searching many years. Until this time I had been wearing glasses for quite a number of years, being treated nearly all of the time by materia medica, from which I received only temporary help. Now, however, I was told to lay aside the glasses; that God's man did not need them to see with, for sight is perfect in God. This I did, and I have never had any need of them since.
I have had many other demonstrations, one of which I shall mention. For many years I had been troubled with a skin disease, from which I received only temporary relief; in fact, I was told it was incurable, but it has completely disappeared through the power of Truth. I cannot tell in words how thankful I am to God for all the blessings that are ours, but I shall try to live the truth and help others to find Him.
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April 11, 1914 issue
View Issue-
Going to Heaven
Testing Time
Prevention, or Cure?
Courage and Faith
The Inner Temple
A writer in a recent issue of the News declares "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Ezra W. Palmer
In a recent issue from "The Easy Chair," you discuss, not...
Duncan Sinclair
Mankind has not yet arrived at that state of perfection demanded...
Nellie Granville
In a recent issue we notice that Dr.—continues his...
Willis D. McKinstry
City of the King
"Our Father"
Archibald McLellan
"Who maketh thee to differ?"
Annie M. Knott
"The salt of the earth"
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Gilbert Fowler, Superintendent Ramsey, Milo M. Acker, Charles G. Baldwin, Ralph W. Cone, Kate Close, P. S. Merrill
I have long felt that I must express my gratitude for...
Lillian Geary
In May, 1912, when a business trip took me to Dallas,...
Lucius E. Wilson
I wish to express my thankfulness to God and my gratitude...
Inez Snow Mapel
send my testimony with an earnest prayer that it may...
H. W. Montgomery
My gratitude for Christian Science is unbounded
Alma Madsen
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Carrie P. Keller
About the middle of November, 1909, I suddenly became...
Willy Bergmann with contributions from Luise Bergmann
After reading the many testimonies in both the Sentinel and the Journal,...
Clarence Wagen with contributions from Martha Wagen
It is several years since I began the study of Christian Science,...
William C. Hoertz
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from P. Gavan Duffy, W. Duxbury Woods, Charles H. Morgan