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The review of Canon McClure's book in a recent issue,...
Bristol (England) Times and Mirror
The review of Canon McClure's book in a recent issue, appears to be just another instance of the truth of that old saying, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." This is not meant in a personal sense, but it is expressive of that condition of thought which, failing to understand the great truths taught in Christian Science, rushes in a hasty and unreasonable manner to denounce its teachings. To say that "the author has completely exposed the idiotic nonsense with which the Reverend Mother's writings abound," is a little rash. Mrs. Eddy's writings are so widely known and read nowadays, in every quarter of the globe, by such a vast number of intelligent people, that the author is likely to find that the public will consider (if it reads his book) that it has merely exposed "the idiotic nonsense" (I quote from the review) of his own misconception of those writings. One would have thought that, if for no better reason, the utter failure of former attempts of "envy, hatred, and malice, and all uncharitableness" to overthrow Christian Science and vilify its Discoverer and Founder, would have been sufficient to deter any one from making similar futile efforts, especially as such attempts invariably defeat their own purpose, resulting instead in drawing many more thoughtful men and women to inquire into and adopt its teachings. Mrs. Eddy, by the way, is never known or spoken of as "the Reverend Mother" of the Christian Scientists by her adherents. May I suggest that it would be well if critics of Christian Science would accept our Lord's standard as the proof of Christianity, "By their fruits ye shall know them."
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February 28, 1914 issue
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As a Man Thinketh
Let Your Light Shine
Opposition Conquered
Concerning Habits
In a recent issue, under the heading of "The Superman...
Frederick Dixon
In his sermon as reported in a recent issue, our critic...
Willis D. McKinstry
A recent issue contains a letter signed by "A Psychical...
John W. Doorly
The review of Canon McClure's book in a recent issue,...
M. I. Whitcroft
The subject taken by the Rev. Mr.—, as reported in a...
John L. Rendall
Christian Scientists at home are Christian Scientists...
Charles C. Sandelin
"Be watchful, sober, and vigilant"
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
A Broadening Horizon
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from W. R. Davis, Will Scoville, J. S. Braithwaite, Martin E. Casto, J. A. Davis, G. Martin, Clara I. Colby, W. O. Parr, Fred J. Smith
It is in gratitude to God that I wish to tell others how I...
Helene Dressler
I was healed through Christian Science of suffering due to...
Sophronia Phillips
About five years ago our niece had one eye injured severely
Mary F. Reynolds
Since Christian Science led me two years ago out of the...
Ethel Bergin-Ewart with contributions from Albert Bergin-Ewart
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Robert J. Dogan