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By far the greater number of people who come to Christian Science,...
By far the greater number of people who come to Christian Science, enter through the doorway of physical healing, either of themselves or of some one near to them. In this line wonders have been wrought, as is proved by the thousands of grateful testimonies given every week in our Wednesday evening meetings,—going like a great wave of thanksgiving around the whole earth,—or published from week to week and month to month in our Sentinel and Journal. Nevertheless, this is only one of the ways by which Christian Science is benefiting the world. I know and most gladly testify that the Science of Life as taught in our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, heals heartache as well as physical ills; that the shadows of loneliness, discouragement, and dissatisfaction, an unhappy disposition, a sense of loss and separation, all flee when the sunlight of Truth is allowed to enter the human consciousness.
Something over sixteen years ago I was led, through what I then thought was mere curiosity, to read this wonderful book to see what there might be in it, never dreaming that here I would find that for which I had always been seeking, that which would answer all my heretofore unanswered questions about God, man, the universe, and their relation to one another. But I soon knew that I was being led by our ever-present Father, in answer to my long search and earnest desire for the truth.
From earliest childhood I had been carefully trained in a Christian church, with which I united in early girlhood, and I remained in it, an active member and worker, until clearer light was revealed to me in Christian Science. For all the good I derived from the teaching and associations of this church I am truly grateful; but as the youth has laid aside his child-toys, and as we have all given up the tallow candle and the coal-oil lamp and appropriated the electric light, so in accepting this purely spiritual religion I took what proved to be a step forward and upward. Old and familiar passages from the Bible which belonged to my grandfather were illumined and took on new meaning. In place of a far-off God, sitting on a lofty throne, Christian Science has given us a "God at hand," for "closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet," a God to whom we can go for help in any need, a loving Father who does not give a stone when His children ask for bread. I now know that He who watches over and cares for the sparrow, also guides and protects each one of His children.
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February 28, 1914 issue
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As a Man Thinketh
Let Your Light Shine
Opposition Conquered
Concerning Habits
In a recent issue, under the heading of "The Superman...
Frederick Dixon
In his sermon as reported in a recent issue, our critic...
Willis D. McKinstry
A recent issue contains a letter signed by "A Psychical...
John W. Doorly
The review of Canon McClure's book in a recent issue,...
M. I. Whitcroft
The subject taken by the Rev. Mr.—, as reported in a...
John L. Rendall
Christian Scientists at home are Christian Scientists...
Charles C. Sandelin
"Be watchful, sober, and vigilant"
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
A Broadening Horizon
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from W. R. Davis, Will Scoville, J. S. Braithwaite, Martin E. Casto, J. A. Davis, G. Martin, Clara I. Colby, W. O. Parr, Fred J. Smith
It is in gratitude to God that I wish to tell others how I...
Helene Dressler
I was healed through Christian Science of suffering due to...
Sophronia Phillips
About five years ago our niece had one eye injured severely
Mary F. Reynolds
Since Christian Science led me two years ago out of the...
Ethel Bergin-Ewart with contributions from Albert Bergin-Ewart
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Robert J. Dogan