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In gratitude to God I would like to tell of some of the many...
In gratitude to God I would like to tell of some of the many blessings which Christian Science has brought to me. For several years there had been much suffering in my home, my mother being an invalid, and I was in bondage to fear and anxiety on her account. Although there had been much outward religion in my life, it failed me when I really needed help. One morning, when I found a dear old servant in pain and could do nothing for her, I went into the garden, where I generally took my troubles, saying to myself that there was nothing but sighs and groans wherever I went, and that God seemed to be of no practical help to us in any way. That unspoken prayer was answered, for soon afterward I met some one who knew of Christian Science, and I asked her to lend me the text-book. From that time "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" has been my daily study, a guide to the practical understanding of the Bible and of the one infinite God, who is now my help in every need. My great desire was that my mother might be healed, but she could not accept the teachings of Science. I, however, was greatly helped, and friends whom I had not seen for some time remarked that the anxious look had gone from my face.
Soon after this the doctor told me that my mother could live only a few months. I knew that I must overcome my own fear, and I spent two nights wrestling with it and reaching out to God, but the third night it was conquered, and when I awoke in the morning I was astonished to find that my eyes were healed. (I had been troubled with weak eyes all my life and neither the doctor nor the oculist could help me.) My mother lived four years longer, and though she did not fully accept Christian Science, she was much helped. Even the doctor said that this was a wonderful case and asked me what I did to relieve her.
Lately I was attacked with gout, supposed to be hereditary, but by trying to realize that in Science "both man and woman proceed from God and are His eternal children, belonging to no lesser parent" (Science and Health, p. 529), I was soon free. I am grateful to our dear Leader for having given to the world this knowledge of Truth whereby all the miseries of human existence, which used to weigh so heavily on me, can be remedied. Christian Science has changed my outlook entirely, and given me peace and joy and happiness, spiritual blessings for which I can never be grateful enough. I see much work to be done before the human self is "evangelized," but I am trying to accept lovingly this task today.
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February 28, 1914 issue
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As a Man Thinketh
Let Your Light Shine
Opposition Conquered
Concerning Habits
In a recent issue, under the heading of "The Superman...
Frederick Dixon
In his sermon as reported in a recent issue, our critic...
Willis D. McKinstry
A recent issue contains a letter signed by "A Psychical...
John W. Doorly
The review of Canon McClure's book in a recent issue,...
M. I. Whitcroft
The subject taken by the Rev. Mr.—, as reported in a...
John L. Rendall
Christian Scientists at home are Christian Scientists...
Charles C. Sandelin
"Be watchful, sober, and vigilant"
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
A Broadening Horizon
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from W. R. Davis, Will Scoville, J. S. Braithwaite, Martin E. Casto, J. A. Davis, G. Martin, Clara I. Colby, W. O. Parr, Fred J. Smith
It is in gratitude to God that I wish to tell others how I...
Helene Dressler
I was healed through Christian Science of suffering due to...
Sophronia Phillips
About five years ago our niece had one eye injured severely
Mary F. Reynolds
Since Christian Science led me two years ago out of the...
Ethel Bergin-Ewart with contributions from Albert Bergin-Ewart
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Robert J. Dogan