The daughter of an old-school physician, born and reared...

The daughter of an old-school physician, born and reared under the medical law of inherited tendency to disease, I seemed to have small prospects in life except to eke out a miserable existence. For many years scarcely a day had passed that drugs were not taken for functional disorders, especially of the bowels and liver, and as one remedy would lose its effect another was prescribed. Upon the death of my father, I counseled with a friend, one of the leading physicians of our state, for I was greatly disheartened at the prospects of such a life, and asked him if there was any hope of my ever being free from the use of drugs. He replied that so long as I gave nature a little help, I would be all right, but that this seemed absolutely necessary. He also advised a change of climate as a means of temporary relief. Accordingly, I went to Colorado, and stayed at the home of a sister who is a Christian Scientist. While there, I continued the use of the medicines prescribed, and to my surprise the antagonism which I feared to meet on this account was never manifested while in that home. One day I could not refrain from asking a question which had long been troubling me. It was this: "I can see how Christian Science heals nervous or imaginary troubles, but how can it reach the bowels and the liver?" To this the rebuke came, "Do you for a moment doubt God's power?" Born in a Christian home, with the daily "family altar," I had been taught to trust God for everything, but had never looked to Him as the great Physician, able to heal without the use of drugs. I said no more, but although during the next four years the reply to my question was with me many times, I was yet afraid to give up the drugs.

Finally, in 1907, this sister and her husband came to our home, and upon their departure they left a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. My husband and I sat down to read it, and during that reading of the chapter on Prayer he was healed of a stomach difficulty. At the end of a week's study of this text-book I was entirely healed of bowel trouble, and gradually the liver complaint was healed also. It has now been four years and a half since this healing, and Christian Science has been tested in many ways during that time, always with the best results when property applied. Drugs which once seemed so indispensable are now never thought of, since I have had the positive proof that it is God who "healeth all thy diseases."

This testimony is given as an expression of gratitude to God that Mrs. Eddy was found so pure and faithful as to be able to receive this revelation which is given to help lift humanity out of bondage into "the glorious liberty of the children of God;" also in the hope that it may go as a ray of light to some weary traveler who is journeying along the same doubtful course over which I have passed.

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Testimony of Healing
It is now about twenty-five years since I first heard of...
July 19, 1913

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