In grateful acknowledgment of the many blessings which...

In grateful acknowledgment of the many blessings which have come to me through Christian Science I add this testimony, with the earnest hope that it may encourage others, who are suffering as I was, to prove for themselves that God is an ever-present help. For some years previous to my healing through Christian Science I had been afflicted with rheumatism, a bowel trouble, and severe attacks of illness from colds. As all remedies prescribed by physicians proved unavailing, I was induced to try Christian Science, and wrote to a practitioner in a distant city, who took my case. Very soon after treatment began, the bowel disorder entirely disappeared. The rheumatism seemed unyielding for a time, but through the faithful application of the truth there soon came to me the joyous sense of freedom in using my arms, and the ability to move about my home in a normal way, which I had not done for many months. The severe attacks of cold in an alarming form, which had been one of my greatest troubles, have also disappeared.

This healing occurred some two years ago, and none of these diseases have ever returned. This was my first proof of the healing power of Truth as demonstrated through absent treatment, and it seemed most wonderful to me, as the one to whom I applied for help was some two thousand miles distant. It also proves that age is no barrier, as I am an octogenarian, and I never enjoyed better health than at the present time. The greatest of all the helps I have received from Christian Science is the casting out of fear.—

Sarah P. Weed, Berkeley, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
In Science and Health we read these words: "Spiritual...
July 19, 1913

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