That express companies cannot escape regulation by the interstate commerce commission on the ground that they are joint stock associations instead of corporations, was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of the Adams Express Company, which successfully resisted a suit brought by the government in the southern district of Ohio charging the company with violating the interstate commerce act.
that memorable eleventh chapter of Hebrews the apostle gives the Christian world a summary of what had been accomplished through faith from the time of righteous Abel down to his own day.
As to those scoffing at the Christian Science idea of one Mind, we believe that a close scrutiny of this alleged negation in Christian Science teaching will indicate the fact that Christian Science in this particular tenet of its teaching makes a most sweeping affirmation.
I was greatly interested and pleased by the article in your November issue headed "Dietetics versus Drugs," by Professor Rutherford—interested in the statements and authorities given, pleased to see that your publication has independence enough to give your readers a word of truth regarding the allopathic or drug doctors.
In a recent issue the editor seems to be laboring under the mistaken opinion that there is a sense of rivalry between the Christian Scientists and the physicians, for he states that the doctors are busier than ever, "in spite of the activity of Christian Scientists;" he also says, "Something is wrong somewhere; we wonder where.
are not a few beginners in Christian Science who are puzzled when called on to explain how cures are effected by the use of drugs, and one such has recently asked, "If the worth of things is to be determined by their fruits, and some material remedies have brought health as certainly as has Christian Science, according to the testimony of those benefited, why should not the good of both be recognized and accepted?
has for nearly half a century been revealing to humanity in a new and most vital way the privilege of sonship to God, and it has had to do this in the face of a false sense of man's relation to his heavenly Father.
with contributions from Frank L. Dodge, John Charles Thompson, J. W. Doorly, Warren O. Evans, Esther B. Dickey, Emerson B. Gorsuch, R. Lee McCulloch, Arthur J. Arwine, Nathaniel Dyke
A lecture on Christian Science was delivered at the Christian Science church by Frank H.
The sweet, healing influences of Christian Science have come into my life so naturally and so gradually that I scarcely know where to begin to tell of its many blessings to me.
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with contributions from Frank L. Dodge, John Charles Thompson, J. W. Doorly, Warren O. Evans, Esther B. Dickey, Emerson B. Gorsuch, R. Lee McCulloch, Arthur J. Arwine, Nathaniel Dyke