Ratifications of the wireless telegraph treaty signed at London July 25, 1912, will, it is expected, be exchanged at the British capital within a few weeks by the thirty-one signatory powers.
To declare for the nothingness or unreality of the material, without understanding the allness of the spiritual, may beget a disposition or tendency to underestimate the meaning of the beautiful manifested in nature.
much the realities of being may be obscured to mortal sight by the dust and rubbish of tradition and illusion, it cannot be questioned that there is consciously present with every one some apprehension of and longing for Truth for its own sake,—a willingness, a desire, more or less clearly defined, to be guided and controlled by Truth.
the many blessings gained through the study of Christian Science, one of the greatest value is the ability to listen for that "still small voice" of Truth which is ever uttering itself.
looking from an open window in a busy thoroughfare of London, I beheld a golden sunset against a cloudless sky on my left hand, and on turning to my right I saw the window of a church bathed in a flood of golden light.
New mercies, new blessings, new light on thy way;New courage, new hope, and new strength for each day;New notes of thanksgiving, new chords of delight,New praise in the morning, new songs in the night;New wine in thy chalice, new altars to raise;New fruits for thy Master, new garments of praise;New gifts from his treasures, new smiles from his face;New streams from the fountain of infinite grace;New stars for thy crown, and new tokens of love;New gleams of the glory that waits thee above;New light of his countenance full and unpriced;All this be the joy of thy new life in Christ.
The lecture given by a clergyman and reported in your paper has a reference to the teaching of Christian Science with respect to evil, which I think would be interesting to examine.
Christian Science, instead of being a fallacy, as a reverend gentleman has claimed, is truly Christian and is based absolutely on the teachings and demonstrations of Christ Jesus.
Under the caption, "Many Attend Revivals," in a recent issue, I find an extract from a sermon by the evangelist which gives an erroneous idea as to the teachings of Christian Science concerning the question of sin.
Recent issuse of your paper have contained accounts of a company of hypnotists who have been giving a show in your city, from which accounts it would appear that some of their actions have aroused a great deal of indignation among your citizens.
the Wednesday evening meetings and in the testimonies published in our periodicals, frequent mention is made of the reading-rooms which are open to the public in all the cities and towns where branch churches are located, and in many others where as yet the progress of the Christian Science movement has only justified the formation of a small society.
In 1906 I turned to Christian Science, after having been helped several times in the preceding twelve years; but each time I had turned away from Truth and gone deeper into the mire of dissipation, proving the significance of what Jesus said to the impotent man: "Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
When a little child, I remember that my father read of a woman who could heal as Christ Jesus did, and in the conversation about it I asked why we could not be healed in that way now.
Mary L. Lambart
with contributions from Edgar Lambart
It is now four years since I first became interested in Christian Science, and during that time I have benefited in many ways from the understanding I have gained from Mrs.
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